Chpt. 11

156 10 4

« Hagen »

I woke up to feeling hot. I looked down to see Kade's blanket she had last night. Well now that I think about it, it wasn't that bad. I couldn't believe that American Horror Story was that good. Of course it was more sexual that anything but it had good meanings behind it. It was pretty fucked up too but that besides the point.

I stood up and laid the blanket on the arm of the couch and looked around not seeing Kadence down here. Where was she? I was fixing to lay backdown before I heard a blood turning scream. I ran up the stairs and opened Kadence's door to see her sweating, crying, and screaming. What the hell was she screaming about? I walked to Kade and shook her softly. She was moving her head back a forth on the pillow, her tank top had ridden up to under her breast. Her messy ponytail was falling out and her covers were off of her bed.

"Stop!! Please!!" I didn't know if she meant me or her person in her nightmare. I shook my head and started saying her name. It's all I could try.


No answer just another scream. God if the neighbors heard they'd think I was murdering, raping, or just doing something to her. Which isn't true.

"Kade!... Kadence come on!!"

I was about to give up when she shot up almost making me stumble back. I saw her eyes. She was in pain, scared about something. She was panting, ms looked around the room frantically.

Me? Nah.
Her worst fear? Maybe.

"Don't fucking scare me like that or next time I won't save you." I rolled my eyes and walked out of her room to just walk into my room and take out new clothes. I know I was a bit harsh but I couldn't help that. It's who I am.

I walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower before I got dressed in jeans, a black t-shirt, and my old converse. I know, you must think I have nothing but project clothes but I could be worse. Like don't even get me started. And these are comfortable.

I walk down the stairs and started to cook breakfast. What? I was starving and I knew she wasn't going to cook so why not? I took out 2 pans, then on the oven and start to scrabble the eggs and flip the bacon.

I got out eggs, bacon, and sausage out of the pants once I was done. I started to clean when I heard a soft giggle. I groan and turn to see Kade there with that smile on her face and her glasses on. Why did she have to look and be cute?

Whoa hold the fuck up what am I saying? Her? Cute? I never call someone cute. Never.

I roll my eyes at her and push the finished food onto a plate and sat down at the table and I looked over to see her pouting.

"What?" I stare at her as my eyebrow raised.

She looked at me and sighed "why didn't you fix me anything?"

I shrugged and started eating my eggs "cause you wouldn't have fixed me anything."

I look up to see her surprised. I rolled my eyes. I saw her eyeing my food but that wasn't going to sneak shit by me.

"Don't act so surprised you know it's right."

She shook her head "that's not true, I would have fixed enough for my parents to eat and just not you." She giggled and stood up grabbing the bread sack and took out two pieces and put them in the oven. She was weird honestly but I couldn't help but chuckle at her comment. She maybe shy but she's got a bite to her also. I had finished breakfast and walked up to my room and put on earbud and went on my daily run.

I walked out the front door and the race began. I smile as was starting to beat my older time. I raced around the town and finished in 1:30. I smile and pant heavily with my hand on my knees and my head hanging low. Kade walked in and she just looked at me then raised her eyebrow.

"What were you doing? You look like you just ran 20 miles."

He smile and wink "you would know. Hey Kade?"

She was still eyeing me down and she seems nervous. Exactly what I want. "Can you come here?"

She narrowed her eyes and took a step back when I stepped forward. I smirks and ran after her as she darted away. I soon caught her and hugged her from behind rubbing my sweat off on her.

"Eww Hagen stop!!!!!"

I only laughed and let go but only to be dodging a pillow that was thrown my way.



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