Chpt. 16

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« Hagen »

I was talking to Nat when I heard Kade and her mom arguing her dad had soon interfered but left the room obviously trying to calm himself down.

"HAGEN can you come take the trash out?!?" I looked to Nat and he Nodded his head toward the door telling me to go on head. I stood up and walked to the stair case and as I made my way down the stairs I was not really ready to face Kadence yet. I heard her mother screaming for her to come back inside and knowing Kade she wasn't going to listen any time soon. When I reached the end of the stairs I heard the door slam shut but when I looked around I saw her mother pissed and Kadence not in the room and neither was the trash. I walked to the door and opened it. Damn I couldn't see her. I closed the door behind me and looked over and saw her faint shadow walking towards the house again. She was obviously mad but I wasn't going to say anything. But that's when it happened. I watched her stop almost taking in her last sene as if she was going to die, that's when I saw the newly bought car came barreling towards Kade.

"KADENCE!!"  It was too late. The truck's front hit Kadence's back. I knew the truck hadn't meant too but when they drove off leaving the scene I ran over to Kadence and pulled her head off of the cold snow and pulled in into my lap trying to protect it from the cold wind.

"Kade.. I'm sorry" her mom came out as soon as she heard the commotion. she left after screaming. I picked Kade's limp body up off the ground and carried her inside as Nathan helped me close the door as I walking into the house with Kadence in my arms. I laid her on the couch softly. She looked broken, like nothing else could fix her. Nat came and put a strong hand on my shoulder as I backed away from Kade. I never cry but right now was as good as time as any. The paramedics carried her away on the gurney. I wanted to follow but they only let her mom and dad get on. I grabbed my keys and pulled Nathan with me as I got in my truck and drove right behind the ambulance going to the hospital. Nat had told me my triple times to slow down but this was important, more important then life itself. I parked and ran inside meeting her mother in the waiting room, Nat was close behind.

Nat sat next to her mom and her dad was soon there next to her as he held her mom. Why was everyone so fucking calm?!? I was pacing around the fucking room worried about Kade. I snapped my head up when a doctor cleared his throat and her parents along with Nathan looked at him also.

"Kade suffered a lot of damage, more then she did when she was a kid. She's in a coma and we don't know if she'll be able to use anything cause the impact broke her spine and we don't know the damage yet."

The only thing I caught from that is she had been through this before. I felt my heart drop. I'm a fucking jerk. I made fun of her and she had been through hell and back. When I find the damned guy that did this the first time an the second they'll be in a worse position then they were before.

"Only family can see her now." Her parents looked at me and I nodded for them to go. They stood up and rushed behind the doctor to her room. I sat down next to Nat and put my elbows on my knees and ran my hands through my hair. I was stressing.

"Dude you need to chill the fuck out."

I looked over at him and glared. "Well for you, but my fucking crush is in the fucking hospital, going through the same shit she's been trough before when she was a kid, so don't fucking tell me to CALM THE FUCK DOWN!!"

"Exactly she's been through this before she'll be okay" he gave me a reassuring smile and slapped my shoulder and gripped it tightly "she'll be okay have hope, faith.. Other girly crappy shit."

I gave him a small smile "thanks man. I always knew you were a good best friend choice."

He punched my arm softly and I bit my lip. She had to be okay. I didn't know how long I was sitting their bridge my stomach stayed growling as did Nat's. We looked at each other he he stood up and rubbed my hair before taking my keys I had gotten out if my pocket.

"Take it easy on her man."

Nat just smirks and winked before wailing out of the hospital doors. I knew I should get out but it wasn't leaving Kade. Never.


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