Chpt. 10

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Me and Hagen stayed in the living room for a long while watching the 'American Horror Story'

It was the best show ever, and Hagen seemed to thank so too when we watched all the old seasons. I was in the rocking chair and he was stretched out on the couch. I had my fuzzy blanket around me and when the final episode of the present series ended I looked over to see Hagen asleep. He looked so peaceful that I stood up, wrapped my blanket around him, and walked up to my room. Friday, down. Three hundred and fifty-eight more days to go. I sigh and when I was in my bed I just stared at the ceiling. Until I fell asleep, which wasn't till 2:30 am.

"Mom! Dad?!" I looked around but no one called back. Where were they? I but my lip and turned around to hearing something shut.

What was that? Who was that? I was soon blinded my headlights. I moved my forearm to shield my eyes from the lights. It was quiet all, for the motor of the car. What was happening? Who was driving?

I back up to realize I was against a wall, when did that get there?

I could hear my heart beat against my chest.




The tires screeched in a high manner and came racing toward me. I was frozen. the car came closer, until...


Who was that? The voice was really distant.

"Kadence!! Kadence come on!!"

My head snapped to the voice just as the lights blocked my vision.

I shot up from my slumber crying, and Hagen in his joggers from last night and no shirt. His hair was messy but in a good and cute say. His eyes searched my face, was it worry or guilt in his eyes?


"Don't fucking scare me like that again glassy, next time I won't come and save you."

Save me? Who dose he think he is? No one was in my room. No one was my room. Other then us and my stuff. Once I snapped out of my thinking I watched as he was walking out and slammed the room behind him. I flinched at the sound and sighed.

"What's his problem. I looked down at Lae and I saw Fabein asleep in the cage I put her in last night. I got up and unlatched the cage and pulled her out softly as she stayed asleep. I kisses her head softly wishing I was her. She didn't have a care in the world while I had too many to care about. Maybe everything to care about? Who knows but it's my own fault to think about this right?

I looked at my door and walk over to in as I heard mumbling.

"Why can't I just get her out of my head!! What's wrong with me?"

I opened the door to see the study door closed. I shouldn't have kept him out but he was a stranger. Still is.

I wonder who he was he talking about? Why do I care? Please tell me I don't have a small crush... Holy crap!

I have a crush on the bad boy that's living with me!?


Sorry for the short chapter! I'll update soon


I am Broken but Fixable (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now