Chpt. 6

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Today was the day...

I couldn't believe it. I was stepping out of my comfort zone for these random people my parents knew. You know that's sorta a lot to ask a shy girl like me.

Me and my dad stayed at home getting ready. We cleaned the rooms I hadn't and sorta cooked? I don't know if you count heating up premade foods but that's what we did. We're not the best cooks and probably never will be. We joked as we made things neat. I think that was a bonding moment for me and my dad and he needed it I think. He needed to loosen up anyway. We were laughing so hard I had lost my breathe and that's when mom came.

She came about 30 minutes before the people were suppose to come. She hurried to get ready verses me and dad already ready. She was rushing so fast I was amazed she takes an hour to just put on her scrubs and throw her hair up in a ponytail.

I wore a long cream color dress with sequence at the top, My hair curled and down, nude flats, and of course my glasses.

My dad wore a simple tux, and my mom wore a tight red, mid-thigh dress and honestly if people saw us they would think that we traded dresses. I'm not the 'short dress' type. I love it long and flowy and that's all my dresses ever consisted of. Well other then my flower dress that came mid-thigh but it was still flowy.

My mom had her blonde hair up in a bun showing off her earrings. I never had my ears pierced due to the pain I heard it caused you. I sigh and stand next to my mother waiting for our guest. Honestly I just wanted to stay in my room with Lae and read my new book I was reading. I had remembers to bring my ear buds and started playing music. That reminds I need to buy the song Oceans

"Mom can't I just go to my...." I had looked down at my phone and just as I looked up I saw I was alone. I never got to speak before my parents were flinging themselves at their old friends. They were also dressed like the royal family was coming. Though I can't say anything I'm dressed that way too. I was giggling silently to myself before that's when IT happened. The most horrible, most terrible, most awful thing walked into my house, Hagen Sáve.

I swallow and try to make a run for it before my mom wrapped her arm around my shoulder and smiled "this is my daughter Kadence... Now what were you saying a minute ago Hun?"

Oh god oh god oh god mother what have you done. You just might have asked for my own death wish. Hagen looked at me, more like wishing his eyes could take off my dress.

"Uh.... I-... Umm.." I moved back behind my mother and looked down.

"Hello ma'am I'm Hagen Sáve if my parents haven't already introduced me." I glanced up to see his stupid grin and his stupid cocky ways to woo and win the heart of my mother. He shook my fathers hand firmly. My dad nudged me and I walked to him smiling before turning away quickly and running up the stairs. Lae stood up once she saw me walking into my room and slide down my door. She then dropped her tail slightly making me smile. I looked over at the clock 8:34. I wondered when they'll leave here. I rubbed over Lae's stomach and back jiggling her slight fat. Well I knew to feed her less and take her out on walks more. I giggle and kissed her head softy. I loved Lae with all my heart and she's just my little puppy. Yeah Also I like to see her as my little dog child. I stayed up there as my parents and the stupid boy had their dinner. I wouldn't doubt it if they didn't leave me any left overs. I roll my eyes at the thought and traced her little dots in her coat.

I don't remember how long I sat their Liston to music but I looked down at the clock anyway and it read 12:31 and their still here. It's a school night!!! I told Lae to get in her dog bed and I took off my dress putting on a tank top and dumbo shorts. Don't judge me, I love Disney. I put my hair up in a messy pony tail and as soon as I walked down the stairs Hagen smirked at me and winked "nice shorts glassy."

I roll my eyes at him and walk to the kitchen having him follow. "Why so shy? I thought with your parents around you'd at least be nice and talk. Oh and your welcome about the bike."

He whispered the last part making me turn around and stare at him. "You fixed it?"

He shook his head "well not personally but I took it to the shop. They fixed it and now guess what."

I look at him confused

"... I really hope this doesn't get in the way."

"No not at all Gene!! Hagen can gladly stay that year your away!!"

Oh no! What have my parents down?!! What have they done? This looser staying with me for a year? Why me world why me?

I rolled my eyes at Hagen and I was totally mad! This was going to be war!!


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