Chapt. 21

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The principal came as did a lot of other teacher. Ladin stayed with me but I didn't want anyone's help. By that time also the police had came and put the jock in handcuffs for domestic abuse. Everything was in a haze and in slowmo. I didn't know were to look, who to trust, who to talk to. My life was one big wreak one after the other after the other.

I was soon bombarded with question like:
"How are you?"
"What happened?"
"You think she's dead?"
"Is she crying?"
"Who kicked her ass?"
"What's her name?"
"Why didn't see fight back?"
"Will she go to the hospital?"

And more... Ladin was tellin me soothing things but that didn't help. I was surrounded by teachers, paramedics, police, students, parents, but no Hagen. I closed my eyes as I imagined what peoples faces looked like. I opened my eyes and looked around. Everyone was walking somewhere was was carful not to step on me. Why were they leaving?

I stood up and brushed myself off as I looked around. I took my surrounding in, the lockers all lined up as if trying to please a queen that was walking by having then standing at salut. The floors were shinning stars but were cut on some edges that made ugly black streaks. I then turned and watched as the people were running to the front doors and I followed. I pushed past people and I hadn't noticed I had made it outside but it was so bright I shed my eyes but it only got brighter and my sight grew blurrier.  I closed my eyes and slowly opened them as they adjust, I was stating at a neon white light. I blinked a few times and I realized where I was.

I looked around and I noticed my blurry pale hand and arm that was hooked up to an IV. I moved my good hand up and hugged my eyes before reaching over and grabbing my glasses before shoving then on my face. I looked around and notice how slowly the monitor for my heart was beating. Was I dieing? I turned my head to the side and focused on the flowers, chocolate, cards, balloons.. Who was all this from? Surly all my parents didn't buy me all of this.

Just as soon as I caught reality by parents and the doctors came in and gathered around me. I went to sit up but my head hurt like crap. I laid back down and the doctor looked at me.

"Ms. Kadence..-"

"Kade.." I said softly

"Right... Uh.. Ms.Kadence your suffering a mild concision, your still in critical condition."

I nodded softly as he looked over his notepad before looking at me. "You are one popular girl Kadence, your boyfriend has been here quite a few times. He's been worried sick."

Boyfriend. That all I heard from that entire sentence. Who was he taking about? It wasn't the jock, was it?  I rolled my eyes. That doofus was the one who put me in this pla-..


One word for this outburst. Ladin. She ran over to me and hugged my neck almost cutting off my- no we was cutting off my breathing circulation.

"O-okay l-Ladin.. I... Can't... B.. B-breathe.."

"Oh sorry!!"

She let go of me and back up slightly letting my parents come in and hug me. I looked at then and I bit my lip. I leaned back against the thin pillows and mattress as I sighed.

"I-I'm kinda tired.. I'm going to go to sleep.."

They all nod and walked out of the room saying their get wells and goodbyes before leaving me alone. I reached over and took a letter from the night stand and open it up slowly. It read 'Kadence' on the front but not from who the writer was. I opened the envelope and pulled out the lined school paper. It read:

Dear Kadence,

I know your in pain. Obviously, but I didn't mean to do that to you. I'm sorry but you were just there and I couldn't stop what was happening. Do you know what it's like to do something and know it's wrong but to not know when to stop? That how I felt. I know you never want to see me again and I completely understand. I'll be moving to college soon and moving out of state so you don't have to worry about me anymore. Trust me I want to make myself suffer for what I did to you... I'm sorry Kade.

Goodbye forever,

That was it?!? Who the heck was it from? I wanted to know and more the anything I want to thank them and say that whatever they did to me was okay and I going to forgive them. I felt so bad that they regretted everything they did. No I didn't understand doing something bad and not stoping but who would other the bullies? Heartbreakers? I may be broke but not a lot if people know that I could be fixable. Heck I didn't even know if I was.





I am Broken but Fixable (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now