Natsu and Lucy

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(This chapter is basically a recap chapter, reminding everyone a little bit. Graylu has disappeared completely. Natsu has become a WAY better person! No kidding!
He is more friendly towards people. Also there's a small time skip between here and the last chapter of Natsu's Weakness.

Okay thanks for reading!)

Nalu 4 ever!

"How did you possibly shove that entire burrito into your mouth?" Lucy asked slightly disgusted and also in shock. Natsu and Lucy are best friends.

Right now he's walking her home, a long time ago he made her a promise that as long as she listened to him he'd walk her home. He's kept that promise.

Natsu Dragoneel is her crush, of course she could never tell him. He might throw her into a wall or something. Plus the fact that Lisanna is like in love with him.

"Luce, can Happy and I stay the night at your house again tonight?" Natsu asked.

Lucy Heartfilia is his long-time crush. He's had the biggest crush on her since... well I can't say since they first met because when they first met he had pushed her down (repeatedly) and he kinda scared the living crap outta her. Maybe it was... when Phantom Lord kidnapped her! That's it! He hadn't realized he loved her until he lost her.

But of course Natsu got her back.

"Where's Happy at?" Lucy asked glancing around. Happy usually shows up when these two are alone. Seriously though, every time they're alone. NO FREAKING JOKE!

"Uhmmmmm, well I guess I forgot," Natsu started to scratch the back of his head awkwardly, "he wanted to hang out with Wendy and Charle so I guess that's where he is."

Lucy sighed, "were we supposed to get him?"

Natsu's eyes widened in realization, "Shit!" He said but didn't react.

Lucy stopped walking.

"Aren't you going to get him?" She asked crossing her arms.

Natsu stopped and looked at Lucy, a small hint of blush on his cheeks, "well no."

Lucy blinked in confusion, "why not?"

Natsu blinked in confusion to, "I'd rather be with you."

Lucy blushed and looked away, "well then, we should be on our way."

Natsu grabbed her forearm stopping her.

"Lucy..." Natsu said becoming serious suddenly. Natsu is rarely serious anymore, it feels like yesterday when him, Lucy, and Happy were fishing, picnicking, and having a slumber party. They meant to invite the guild to the secret place in the meadow but Team Natsu is very busy. It's been a two months since they had that day.

It's been one year since Lucy joined the guild.

"What is it Natsu?" Lucy asked.

"I really wanted to tell you I-"

"You two Liiiiiiiiiike each other," Happy flew around them and said.

Natsu pulled out his flyswatter, yep that's right he keeps one handy now. He swatted at Happy but Happy's much faster.

"Damn!" Natsu cursed at the cat.

"So when you two going to marry? Can I be your best man Natsu?" Happy sneered.

"Shut up! Nobodies getting married!" Lucy hissed.

Natsu glared at Happy.

"Okay whatever," Happy said putting his paws up defensively.

Lucy smiled, "Guys are we free tomorrow?"

Natsu and Happy shook their heads, "no."

Lucy sighed, "what's tomorrow?"

"Remember, Erza wanted us to go to the request that we had to do a play," Happy said.

Lucy sighed, "I'm sorry guys but I can't tomorrow."

Happy sneered, "why ya got a boyfriend? Natsu's so jealous!"

Natsu's eyes went wild before he pulled out his fly swatter again and squashed Happy like a fly.

"Ooh," Lucy only said looking at the remains, "You think he's dead, Natsu?"


Happy's eyes slowly closed, "goodbye cruel world. It was nice being blue..." his voice faded then he had to add," and being a cat....!" Then his eyes shut again.

Natsu turned away and walked back to Lucy's apartment but not before saying, "my shoulders feel so light suddenly."

Lucy giggled as she picked up a stick and poked Happy.

Happy decided to look more dead by sticking his tongue out, that was until Lucy poked his tongue with the stick.

"Hey!" Happy yelled wiping away the stick taste from his mouth.

Lucy mumbled, "oops now let's go before Natsu wants food and decides to make it himself."

Happy popped up and then said, "I better fly you there or we'll be to late."


Natsu was sleeping in Lucy's bed.
In her bed.


"Happy," Lucy said his name flatly and Happy knew exactly what she wanted him to do. So Happy wrapped his tail around Natsu and flew him out the window.

Lucy heard a giant thud and Natsu's growls of pain. Happy flew back into the house and Lucy locked the window before falling asleep.

"He knew the rules," Lucy mumbled before falling asleep. She had a hint of blush on her cheeks, she kept hoping that MAYBE Natsu would be back and sleep with her.

It's not what you think.

She likes a body space heater.


"Okay bye! See ya guys," Lucy called watching Team Natsu head toward the train. They were going to a mission.

Lucy looked down and she went to the guild. She promised Levy that whenever Natsu was gone she'd be with Levy.

Lucy walked into the guild and saw Levy being carried around by Gajeel, she was Lucy's best friend here in the guild. Levy McGarden is a very strong S-class mage who first met Lucy by some request. It's a long story.

"Levy-chan!" Lucy yelled to her friend. She walked toward the tall dark figure known as Gajeel and her friend Levy.

"Lu-chan!" Levy said back swatting Gajeel away.

Gajeel is Levy's crush. They've been together ever since Tenro Island they were paired as partners.

Lucy first met Gajeel when he was trying to kill her. Another long story.

"So what are we doing today?" Levy asked smiling.

"Porlyusica and I have an 'appointment'," Lucy said nurvously.

Levy nodded, "Porlyusica is that crazy chick with funky hair. She saved Master numerous times right?"

"Uhm Levy I don't think it's fair that you called her crazy considering you were psychotic when we met," Lucy said dryly.

Levy rolled her eyes, "alright I was a little crazy myself but you YOUR just as crazy! Being best friends with a dangerous predator-like boy."

Alright Natsu and Lucy had a struggling relationship at first. -_-

Natsu and Levy have a past as well.

"Whatever," Lucy mumbled. They started to get ready and then left for Porlyusica's.


It's Almost Time To Say Goodbye Sequel to Natsu's WeaknessWhere stories live. Discover now