Mission memory

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(I'm sorry I just love Love LOVE that picture! Ergh! Anyways, I wrote a part for Lucy and was going to have it be her point of view for the whole mission but that'd be far too confusing for everyone.

She is still losing her memories and has to be reminded of everything. I kinda feel bad for poor old Lucy. ):


Nobodies P.O.V

Team Natsu is on the train for Hargeon.

"What was the request again? Uhm, Erzilia," Lucy asked looking at Erza.

Erza glared at her and then sighed, "it's Erza. My name is Erza."

"Oops sorry," Lucy murmured embarrassed. Natsu was sleeping next to her, he insisted they got their own private seat but Lucy wanted to be group with everyone.

Natsu, in order to avoid motion sickness, was napping with his head on Lucy's shoulder.

"So you forget names and us easily?" Gray asked scoffing rudely as he thoght about this.

Lucy looked down turning red as she looked at Natsu, "Who's cat was that, she wanted to go with us?"

"Happy's a boy, and Happy has no owner. He's basically a member of Fairy Tail," Gray said.

Erza punched him before saying, "Happy IS a member of Fairy Tail," she corrected Gray.

Gray growled something as he rubbed his stomach then muttered, "Owch."

"Why couldn't he go with us?" Gray asked looking at Lucy.

"Natsu told him he'd confuse me," Lucy said bluntly with a smile.

"She would keep forgetting him," Erza concluded matter-of-factly.


The group got of the train and debated whether or not to go straight to the requestor or wait morning. It was getting late.

"It doesn't help that tonight is the traditional Sakura Dance. Everyone will be out in the streets, so we might as well wait till morning," Erza said.

Natsu shook his head, "I'll burn any damned people who plan on getting near Lucy. We'll be fine!"

Erza glared at him, "Are you talking back?"

😱"No Erza," Natsu replied scared. They were still just standing on the cement side walk.

"Then it's settled, we'll stay at a hotel here, and in the morning we'll go to the requestor," Erza stated nodding to herself.

😕 -Lucy
😰 -Gray

Lucy's P.O.V

Stars... astrology... meteorological theories... Natsu... keys... spirits...

These are all the things that I can remember half the time.

Imagine having your entire life swiped clean, but only for you. Everyone's constantly correcting you on the things you say or even do.

I never noticed how important my memories were until I started losing them.

Natsu reminds me. I've never forgotten him, nor, do I ever plan on it.

You may say all you want that you want to wake up with amnesia or forget a special someone. BUT your lying to yourself. Who would want to forget? Forgetting is like killing a part of you, so the other part can live. It's actually quite pathetic to wish that.

Keys... stars... Natsu... spirits... Uhmmmmm... there goes something. I wasn't able to...

Remember it.

I can't remember what the map looks like. When I'm sleeping I'll instantly think I'm dead or something.

"Careful Lucy!" Natsu yelled. I was crossing the road... I think.

I look to my left, a wagon that's going inane!

Natsu is behind me, him and ...red.. were arguing.

Then I feel arms around me and see pink hair!

"N....Natsu?!" I yelped. I look and I'm off the fire arm of the wagon. The horses were frozen in place.

Natsu sighed with deep relief.

"Dammit!" He cursed under his breath them clenched his fist.


Whys he mad?


Did I forget?

"It's alright!" I said happily and close by fingers around his clenched fist.
He becomes less tense and I smile happily at him.

Am I consoling him?

"Thanks Luce!" Luce is that nickname he gave me... that's my name right?

My name is Lucy Heart.... is that it? Heart- heart what?






"Goodnight Lucy," I heard through the night.

I think it was Natsu.

I can't remember how I got here... in my apartm- we're on a mission right? I bit my lip.

It's frustrating, it's stressful, it's so irritating being like this!! Ergh!

A tear slips from my open brown eyes, it slides down my dry cheek and leaves a moist line of a salty tear. I can feel the tear drop off my chin and probably onto my pillow.

Someone wise once told me, even the smallest of words can hurt or save you.

It was a woman. She wore a maids attire with white frills at the hems. She had to of been in her earlier 40's. The background was unfamiliar, a large mansion that feels familiar but isn't.

Her smile was toothy and her mouth lifted the rinkles at the edge of her lips whenever she smiled.

I guess I was young because my height. She was leaned over to look at me.


Another woman. This woman looks... like me. Only with blue eyes and a large pink dress that was more heiress-like than the maid. Her blonde hair, was tied in a high bun, and her smile seemed genuine.

There wasn't any breeze there. It was like there was a giant dome outside of the mansion that held the wind against its will. The trees shook as if on cue.

I want to be here again. Maybe I could bring Natsu.

But I can't remember where this is. Or when. Or who these people are.


Nobodies P.O.V

The Team woke up the next day and prepared for the mission... Lucy would soon forget.

It's Almost Time To Say Goodbye Sequel to Natsu's WeaknessWhere stories live. Discover now