I'm hungry

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(EWWWWWWWWW! I JUST FREAKING ELEPHANT SNEEZED ALL OVER MY PHONE! GROSS! lol. I bet your wondering about that title. It's super time for me so, it's true. I'm hungry.

This chapter I didn't expect to write to be honest. It was like, my fingers had minds of their own. Weird.
Sometimes don't you wish you had a Natsu in your life? Because I sure as hell do!

I was actually not really sure what I was going to do for this chapter but I guess this works?
Please tell me if you like it!

Lucy woke up in a new hotel room. Natsu and Happy were snug on the floor.

She looked out the windows, the curtains closed off any possible light from outside.

Looking away from it, her eyes met Natsu's.

"Good morning, Luce," he said smiling his big childish toothy grin.

Lucy blushed and smiled back.

"Morning," she said.

"Charle...." Happy said in his sleep then he mumbled, "...fish...."

Natsu and Lucy both burst out laughing. Happy was a heavy sleeper so he couldn't hear them laughing.

"Hey Luce," Natsu said nurvously. He was going to do it! He was going to be romantic or something... right??

"Yeah?" Lucy asked smiling sweetly.

"I want to do me a favor?" Natsu asked.

"What is it?" Lucy asked. She felt awkward talking to him so early in the morning, but his presence always brought a huge smile onto her face.

"Tell me when you... die. ERR! ERR, IF you die. Which I swear won't happen but if it does tell me," Natsu said turning extremely serious.

Lucy perked up and then she blinked in confusion.

"Come with me!" Natsu said.

Without allowing for Lucy to answer her ran, fast as lightening, to her side. He picked her up bridal style and just like Flash, he opened the window and jumped from the high height. He didn't need to change because he wears the same clothes to bed!

Lucy's eyes were wild in shock and she had been strangling Natsu's neck but it was so muscular that he didn't feel it!

"N-Natsu!" Lucy squeaked meakly.

Natsu chuckled before putting her down gently, he always put her down gently like she would brake if he even attempted to drop her. But if it was hand holding he would swing their arms together like children.

"I love you," Natsu said smiling with seriousness in his eyes.

"Yes, mutual feelings," Lucy said slightly blushing.

"Marry me," Natsu demanded still with a serious face.

Lucy's face flushed.

"I won't quote Twilight. Even though the author almost did, (I was going to but then I thought.. better not.😋) so I'll just say I love you. There's nothing really romantic about saying those words, but they're the words that've been to hard for me to say since Igneel left me. I'll love you even until you die! That's why.." by now Lucy's eyes were watering but she blinked the tears away.

"Natsu!" Lucy yelped trying to stop him from making her cry so early in the morning.

"Remember what you first told me?" Natsu asked her.

"Ouch?" Lucy asked remembering that he pushed her down at the beginning.

"No, well yes, but no. You said. I don't know how to treat girls, err, people. And damn you were right," Natsu sighed gently to himself.

"I can't-" Lucy was interrupted.

"I love you! Give me one good reason why you can't marry me!" Natsu raised his voice slightly, then his face turned hurt, "do you not love ME anymore?"

Lucy shook her head frantically, then she said calmly, "I'll always love you."

"-and I'll always love you!" Natsu said in a desperate voice.

Lucy grit her teeth in a pained way then she popped into her butt, "You can't love a ghost!"

Natsu's face twisted into one of sadness and almost at tears he dropped to his one knee.

"I'm dying! Please stop loving me!" Lucy begged. She dropped her head as well as her mood. She looked down at her stomach and body, but mostly the ground under her.

"Die right now. I'll still love you. Die tomorrow. I'll love you then to! Die whenever you choose to, but it won't change my love.. for you," Natsu said. Then he reached into his pocket.

"A shiny ring!" Natsu announced and pulled out a ring. It had a dimond that looks like flames. The metal was golden like her keys and it was breathtaking.

Lucy's head looked up slowly. Tears were already at the end of her eyes and once they landed on the beautiful ring in front of her, the tears that she tried to hold back, spilled from her eyes in giant drops. Natsu's eyes had this look of pain and hope. Mostly desperation.

"I'll say it one last time," Natsu said. Lucy's sobs started up.

"Marry me," he stated directly.

This was the last time he was asking. If she said no this time, he couldn't force it anymore. If he forced it anymore it'd cause more pain for both of them.

Lucy's eyes were this stained pain, it looked unnatural on her, but even so she was beautiful to Natsu.

Lucy didn't want to hurt Natsu. If she dies, what will he do? Will he kill? She knows for a fact, it'll crush him. She could never crush her Natsu.

Make the same choices that you would, if you weren't sick.

I want you two to be happy.

I'll still love you. Die whenever you choose to, but it won't change my love for you.


The words were easy to say for her to say.

The light that hit Natsu's face was instant when he words came out. He could've sworn that she'd say no. Even, me, the author thought Lucy was going to say no! (I'm an idiot;)

"Really?!" Natsu asked, the happiness was so evident that Lucy's heart slipped a beat just looking at it.

Lucy nodded wiping away tears.

But Lucy couldn't wipe away all her tears because Natsu had engulfed her with his arms. He got up and swung her around happily.

Then he whispered the magic words in her ears,

"I'm hungry."

It's Almost Time To Say Goodbye Sequel to Natsu's WeaknessWhere stories live. Discover now