Fairy tale

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Nobodies P.O.V

Natsu's heart stopped.

Wendy burst open the door Natsu was in front of and it threw him behind it, so when Mira bumped into the door because she trailed behind Wendy. Mira basically smashed Natsu against the wall again.

"Oh I was so worried!" Wendy yelled, she pressed her hand to her heart. She looked at the unplugged monitor.

"Yeah no kidding," Mira said. When the two heard the heart rate drop so suddenly they thought maybe... Lucy died?

Natsu was twitching from the pain of being slammed against the wall. He'd tripped over the cord that worked the monitor.

"Silly Natsu, he must've stepped on the cord when he was getting riled up... or something," Wendy said sighing.

"Yeah, maybe we should not have the plug in next to the door?" Mira said sweat dropping.

(Lucy's still alive)

Natsu pushed open the door and fell forward onto his face.

"Oops! Why were you standing in front of the door, Natsu?" Mira asked.

Natsu mumbled something before getting up.

"I DON'T GET IT!" He shouted.

"No surprise on that one," Mira said smiling sweetly.

"You unplugged Lucy's monitor," Wendy was pushing the cord back into the wall when she said this.

"So?... what are you saying?" Natsu asked with a determined look.

"It's your fault, you thought Lucy died?" Mira said still smiling.

Natsu blinked in confusion.

Wendy sighed louder, "Mira put it into SIMPLER words." She paused, "Lucy's fine."

Heavy weight was lifted from Natsu's shoulders.

Then he asked, "I heard her heart stop, though!"

"Your so stupid," Mira said bluntly with this innocent look.

"YOU UNPLUGGED THE MONITOR!" Wendy screamed before stomping out of the guilds infirmary.

Natsu blinked again before asking, "what's her problem?"

Mira smiled and turned around to look at Lucy, "shut up Natsu."

"Ok!" Natsu yelled happily and then took the spot on the other side of Lucy.

"She woke up, Mira!" Natsu said smiling like he won the lottery. He ran his fingers through Lucy's hair.

Mira smiled, "did she tell you anything? Like where it hurt?"

"Yeah," Natsu said smiling brightly, "her stomach. It looked like she was mostly holding her mid-abdomen."

"Her gut?" Mira asked.


"Whatever Natsu," Mira sighed, totally giving up on Natsu's low IQ.


Wendy came back later and healed Lucy's body.

The first thing she said was to Natsu. Her mouth was played into a smile as she said, "Thank you Natsu!"

It was then that Natsu and her were able to hug.

A week without her... lead him to this moment. She doesn't know how depressing his life is without her by his side. She won't ever find out either.


Lucy healed 4 days later..

She had spent those four days: playing cards with Happy, snuggling with Natsu in the bed, catching up on the latest books with Levy, talking to Erza about how her and Jellal are perfect for each other! She smiled all four of those days. Natsu smiled without hesitation during those days as well.

It wasn't until she was able to walk that Natsu carried her somewhere.

He was practicing for higher levels of his teleportation magic. In order for him to get Lucy teleported with him was if she was really close to him.

He mumbled the magic words...


Her eyes opened, Lucy appeared in their meadow.
It's been several months since she was last here. It almost made her choke on her tears she was so happy.

Natsu smirked cheekily as he glazed over the familiarity of it.

Lucy's frame was still small and thin from small amounts of food that were put into her body, but her smile was stronger.

"Guess who I invited?" Natsu whispered making sure it reached her ears.

Lucy's eyes glowed, "Fairy Tail?!"

Natsu chuckled, "No Phantom Lord! WHY OF COURSE FAIRY TAIL!"

Lucy glared at him before bursting it into a smile.

"Your silly!" Lucy said shoving him back a bit playfully.

Natsu smirked before gently lifting her into the air and spinning her around! She screamed in surprise as he did so.

"Natsu! Put me down!" She hissed.

He laughed, "Happy's just weak! Sure your wide but your just like a feathe-"

*Lucy kick*

Natsu put Lucy down gently before holding his head, where Lucy kicked him.

"I'M NOT WIDE!" Lucy screeched.

Natsu rubbed his and then gave her the puppy dog eyes as he said, "Soweey."

Lucy pouted before looking away angrily. Natsu blinked at her then laughed.

"Your cute when your mad," he knew Lucy's weakness was him calling her cute. Lucy's face went bright red.

"Your cute when your asleep," Lucy growled still mad.

Natsu's face went red also.

They're both hopeless romantics.

"Hey! Stop flirting for a minute!" It was a demon.

I swear! If anyone heard this voice they'd run for the hills.

Lucy and Natsu both jumped into the air backwards.

"E-Erza!" They said scared. She and the rest of Fairy Tail sat on top of this giant blanket. Everyone was laughing, talking, or eating snacks! Except Erza who was patiently waiting for Natsu and Lucy. Even Happy was to preoccupied to even say hi to Natsu or Lucy!

"Want this fish?" Happy asked Charle. Charle and Wendy were talking with Romeo.

"FOR THE LAST TIME, NOOOO!" Charle shouted.

Happy pulled out another fish before saying, "What about THIS one?"

"Come on, join us Natsu!" Erza said smiling then she looked over at Lucy, "And bring your Lucy."

Lucy flushed at the memories of Natsu calling Lucy 'his'.

Natsu glanced at Lucy's face before saying, "you ARE mine!"

Lucy twitched her eye brows before glaring at him. Then she looked away.

Natsu sighed with a big smile as he brought her with him to join the guild.

It's Almost Time To Say Goodbye Sequel to Natsu's WeaknessWhere stories live. Discover now