Looks dead

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(Okay well, next chapter will be really depressingly serious. Ugh! I'm failing in History class! Ergh! But the English teacher said I write beautifully! Anyways none of that is really important. Also guess who's going to be in junior high speech! Yay! My sister does Serious Pros but my English teacher says I'm funny so I should do humor.

I'm just saying that I'll probably have late updates until maybe I get my grade up!)😄😄😄😄😄

Nalu is awesome!

Nobodies P.O.V

When Happy reached the guild with Lucy, and Natsu he wasn't out of breath! Which was strange because he was afraid of Lucy being "dead" weight! (😂😂😂lol I'm a horrible person for finding that funny!!)A/N

"Hurry, Natsu!" Happy said to Natsu, who carried Lucy in his arms and refused to let her go entirely.

"Okay, pal!" Natsu said then flashing Happy his smile he burst through the guilds doors, by using his foot, and revealed the members!

"Lucy needs HELP!" Natsu screamed at the top of his lungs. Tears were ready to fall again from the pain that Lucy was in.

Her head was sagging from his arms making her look dead alway. Half the guild stopped to gasp, where Mira was the calmest and ran to Natsu's side.

"Give her! She needs to ly down!" Mira shouted taking Lucy from Natsu's arms.

He knew he had to give Lucy, reluctantly. So that's what he was doing. But once Lucy was put out of his reach he dropped to his knees with his hair shadowing his eyes. His mouth quivered in pain and some tears sneakily dropped from his chin. He whiped the tear away and glared daggers at the members.

Natsu then stomped straight towards the infirmary. He kicked this door down to, with his foot.

"Natsu, Dear" Mira paused, "your weird."

Natsu muttered something under his breath before waving his hand at her.

He took a seat next to Lucy and waited for Wendy to get back.

1 hour **

Lucy hasn't moved Wendy isn't here.

2 hours **

Lucy hasn't moved, And Wendy FINALLY gets here.

"What the hell took so long?" Natsu almost screamed at Wendy.

Wendy flinched before showing Natsu her book.

Natsu was still mad at everyone who gave up on saving Lucy. They were saving her the wrong way.

"Remember when we were in Crocus? Yeah well i found this book! It teaches you HOW TO BE A SKY GOD SLAYER! So I'm learning how to be one!" Wendy explained again to Natsu in slow more processing words.

"Okay? So are you a god slayer?" Natsu asked bluntly.

Wendy tilted her hand both ways, "almost! I've mastered alot of the magic! It's really cool!"

Natsu rolled his eyes then pointed at Lucy, "heal her already!"

Wendy nodded with a strong expression, "I'll do my best!"

Natsu interrupted her, "Do you're best of a better person! Do your bestest!"

Mira came through the door smiling, "Natsu~ bestest isn't a word!~"

"WAAA!? IT'S NOT?" Natsu screamed loudly.

Wendy was on the other side of Lucy pressing her hands over her chest. A bright pink and blue light surrounded Lucy and engulfed her with the lights!

It's Almost Time To Say Goodbye Sequel to Natsu's WeaknessWhere stories live. Discover now