Last Chapter

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(Okay YEESH! That was very intense... anyways that title says it! Last Chapter so.. yeah I hope you enjoyed the end!
I think I'm going to make a third book tho.)

"Hmm that's strange they usually wake up by now," Erza murmured as she watched the boys still passed out. Lucy watched as she sweat dropped.

"Maybe you really... knocked them out?" Lucy asked.

"Yes. I guess I did," Erza said her index finger tracing her chin in confusion.

"I guess." Erza indicated then smiled at Lucy, "sorry I almost lost my cool back there with the two girls."

Lucy smiled weakly then nodded, "s-sure... Red?"

Erza sighed then said, "look Porlyusica should be at the guild today. You go on ahead and I'll bring Natsu and Gray."

Lucy nodded and then asked, "Who's Gray and Porlyusica? I know Natsu. Bu-"

"Just go," Erza said and lifted her hand to stop Lucy from embarrassing anyone.

Lucy nodded then ran off.

A slight and steady breeze ran through the air as Erza draped both boys's arms around her shoulders. She sighed with distress.

These boys weren't heavy compared to the mountains Erza's carried,but Erza is tired of trying to save the unsavable.

"She still can't remember us," Erza thought aloud with a sad look.

Then memories of Lucy remembering and when she was happy. She brought so many smiled and members to the guild. If it weren't for her Juvia, Gajeel, Wendy, and even Levy wouldn't be here.

Erza, Lucy, and Gray were an instant group that Natsu joined.

Lucy brought Natsu out of those shadows of the guild. She tugged him from the attic. She was his light during the night. Lucy was Fairy Tail's everything.

Erza was near tears as she thought about the most horrifying things. She thought about Lucy's future. She thought about getting Lucy's life back on track.

"Why does everything have to be so complicated?" Erza wondered out loud to herself. She heard a boy mutter something but ignored it.


Lucy ran toward the mysterious place called Fairy Tail. She doesn't remember why, though.

Then she opened the door hesitatingly. With a loud creak the door opened. Lucy looked through the fights as fists were thrown at other strangers.

Then she was sucked in the group.

Some members were about to hit her when she ducked and they successfully punched someone else. It was as if the strange pink haired women was waiting for her as she grabbed her from her confusion.

"Lucy, I have bad news," the pink haired women said in exchange for a greeting.

"Hi to you to," Lucy said nurvously. She didn't know why there would be bad news but bad news were always bad.

"Where's Natsu?" Porlyusica asked instantly.

Lucy squinted her eyes before saying, "he went with someone... I can't... Remember who," she closed her eyes to visualize them but nothing came up except Natsu.

"Dang it! This'll have to be done down, though!" Pink haired women grabbed Lucy's forearm and brought her into Fairy something's what looked like infirmary...

"Where?" Lucy's voice was over shadowed by this young girl with blue hair by her side.

"Do you remember me? I'm Wendy and this is Mira," Wendy pointed to Mira as they both exchanged worried looks around the room. Lucy didn't understand why she was here or why wasn't Natsu with her?

"Drink this, dear," The pink haired women who's grumpy and snappy voice sounded slightly full of sympathy.

"What's this do?" Lucy asked aloud.

Wendy looked down and shadowed her eyes. Mira rushed out of the room. Maybe she had other stuff to do?

"I'm Porlyusica, I've been working with you and your boyfriend Natsu. I went to the Celestial world to grab this vile that... it cures memory loss for sure. Unfortunately there's some side effects," the pink haired wo- Porlyusica said as she eyed the vile in Lucy's grip.

Lucy blinked trying to process all of this, she was losing her memories? Then why doesn't she remember tha- nevermind. -_-

Then Lucy looked up and met her brown eyes to Porlyusica's cold glare but there was a hint of softness in them as she gazed back.

Silence filled the infirmary-like room. The wooden floorboards were bran new so when Wendy started pacing in circles there was no noise. Lucy could tell, it was something bad. Although she didn't know these people.. she could sense their desire to save her.

"What is it?" Lucy's voice quivered at the words and then she clenched her jaw.

"That's the thing. We have no idea," Porlyusica said looking down. Her eyes seemed to become glassy. Tension filled the air in the room as did curiosity and worry.

Lucy didn't know if she had a choise but she wanted Natsu to be with her right now. Unfortunately, she doesn't remember where he is.

Wendy stopped pacing as Lucy's mouth opened to answer. Porlyusica had a hardened look by now.

"I'll do whatever it takes to remember everyone!" Lucy announced loudly and she had a determined look. There was no hesitation from her this time. She was absolute.

Lucy chugged the vile down and everyone waited. Waited to see what would happen next.


Natsu woke up and was explained by Erza that Lucy went to talk to Porlyusica. It angered Natsu that she had knocked him out but he (nobody) could just punch Erza for revenge without a death wish. I mean honestly.

Natsu took off toward the guild. It was never hard to miss because of the constant chatter or fights that echoed throughout the town coming from within the guild. Plus the fact, Fairy Tail is the only guild in Magnolia.

He was out of breath once he reached the usual dirt path to the guild. This is where him and Lucy used to walk. He walked her home alot down this path. Happy was always there, though. He really misses Happy and wants his old Luce back.

Pushing past the guild doors without using his foot in any way, (which was weird for him) he saw the sights of the everyday fights. It was no different than it usually was.

He ran into the infirmary to see Lucy and there she was. Hard to miss. She stood there looking beautiful. Once their eyes met for a split second before...

Lucy looked away it made Natsu feel bad but he called her as he remained in the entry of the guild.

"Hey, Luce!" He called smiling her favorite smile. She looked at him, then shrugged.

The next words echoed in his mind once they were released from her lips...

"Do I know you?" She asked tilting her head. Natsu took a step backward before trying to catch his breath from surprised hurt.

Everyone, Wendy, and Porlyusica's eyes widened and then Porlyusica shook her head as she looked at Lucy.

"Lucy forgot the most important thing in her life. That was the side-effect," Wendy said.

Natsu's heart was beating from his chest as he process this. Only he didn't quite understand.

"Lucy doesn't know who you are," a sweet kind voice said from behind Natsu. He turned and saw Happy and Lisanna.

Natsu's heart stopped like the monitors strain line beat. It dropped.

Natsu's knees dropped along with the one happiness he had. Lucy looked at him with a quite sad look and then blinked in confusion. Why was a strange boy so sad?

Then someone pulled Natsu out and talked him out of forcing Lucy's memory.

Natsu made a promise to himself, though.

I'll help her remember me.

It's Almost Time To Say Goodbye Sequel to Natsu's WeaknessWhere stories live. Discover now