Natsu and Lucy's story

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The Team left Magnolia.

They rode a train to ride to Crocus.

Erza and Gray had gotten off at Hargeon.

So now it was Wendy, Charle, Lucy, Natsu, and Happy.

They are currently buying a hotel room.

Erza had sent Lucy information through the transportation crystal lacrima that Hargeon was snowing out and the trains weren't working.

"So we're stuck here? For an entire week?" Natsu grunted.

"Yup," Wendy said.

Lucy and Happy were waiting at the front desk discussing things with the lady. The woman said cats can't enter but Happy is more than a cat.

"Wow," Charle said without excitement.

"Ugh! Come on!" Happy screamed.

There were tick marks on Lucy's and Happy's foreheads.

"So Natsu, you and Lucy are dating NOW? What was it like when you two were... friends?" Wendy asked.

Natsu grunted something and Charle crossed her arms secretly interested.

"Well, what do you want to know really?" Natsu asked looking away glaring.

"Who fell in love first?" Wendy asked full of giddiness.

Natsu scoffed then said, "I wouldn't say I fell in love first but... I did."

Wendy tilted her head, "How did you guys get so close?"

Natsu had a firm look on his face and then said, "We went boating (lie) We went on romantic walks (also a lie) So we were pretty much bound to fall in love!" Natsu smirked.

Wendy's eyes glowed with love.

"Really? That's so so so sweet!" Wendy said in awe.

"THIS IS TAKING WAY TO LONG!" Lucy screamed at the lady at the desk. Happy pouted as he crossed his arms.

"Please calm down miss," the lady said sweating nurvously at the attention, "But please get rid of your cat."

Happy growled with red eyes.

Lucy glared her nostrils like a bull.

Natsu, Wendy and Charle all sighed in sinc.
Fairy Tail is extremely well at gaining attention.

Wendy was the first to redeem herself.

"So Natsu, how did you guys say the 'I love yous'? Was it romantic?" Wendy asked urgently.

Charle would usually be yelling at Wendy at this point, but she's quite interested in Lucy's story. Charles quite infatuated with Lucy.

"You could say... that," Natsu said scratching the back of his head smiling like an idiot.

Wendy's eyes became bigger with excitement.

"Your even worse than Mira, you know that?" Natsu said bluntly.

Wendy giggled, "She can be a little crazy with couples."

Natsu looked away, "Yeah."

Natsu's eyes landed on Lucy. Sure she was the most beautiful in the room, but that's not what he's thinking about.

He kept thinking... how did Lucy come to love me?

His curiosity brought dumb ideas to his head.


"Oi," Happy yelled waving both blue paws in Natsu's face. Natsu was brought back into reality from that.

It's Almost Time To Say Goodbye Sequel to Natsu's WeaknessWhere stories live. Discover now