Begging you to wake

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(This is a very serious chapter. It's mood is very depressing and sad. Wanna see how much Natsu loves Lucy? Read this chapter!

I've been working on a trailer for the first book, Natsu's Weakness, and I've gotten a song from the Skylar Grey. I hope you check out the video I placed up there to.
Hope you enjoy another chapter of Its Almost Time to say Goodbye.

No movement.

No improvement.

No nothing.

It's been two days.

Two days of hand squeezing, crying of other guild members, and begging to wake up. Lisanna isn't allowed to be anywhere near Natsu. Happy went in and out everyone one of those days. He'd always just whispered something nobody would find out. Even Natsu, the Dagon slayer with dragon slayer hearing, couldn't hear. It was ever so quiet.

Natsu never talked to anyone except when he yelled at Mira. She always nagged at him about his diet. He'd been sitting next to Lucy, never moving unless it was to rub Lucy's hand or kiss her hand.

They'd never even gotten to talk much about their own wedding. Now it's just to late.

All the things he wanted to tell her, all the things he forgot or planned to say...

His heart became a sad, deep, and lonely pit of emptiness.

It wasn't until Wendy informed Natsu that Lucy's rib cage is cracking in half. Surgery will have to do, it might fix her leg pain that will be coming soon but her internal organs were corrupted.

Hearing of surgery, was the last straw for Natsu. He couldn't take it anymore. He'd already lost Igneel, and now he's losing HIS Lucy. It was hard work getting her in the first place!

Mira said the doctors were very skilled and if they add Wendy to the mix, then nothing could possibly go wrong.

But Natsu's sanity was broken... along with his heart.

Natsu screamed at the top of his lungs hoping it was loud enough to wake Lucy and end his nightmare.

But she didn't move. She didn't react.

Tears burst from his eyes, and he could only stare at her with his lifeless eyes.

His throat tightened from lack of moisture, but that didn't stop him from crying out, "LUCY! DON'T LEAVE ME! PLEEEEEEEASSSSE" He cried out like a lost child. Just like a child he fell to his knees crying out to the ceiling, imagining it was the sky and he could see the heavens. What did he do that was so bad?

Mira's heart broke and she dropped to the floor behind Natsu and patted his shoulder.

"Mira??" Natsu's voice sounded like a teenage boy during puberty,"Who's trying to take my Lucy from me?? Why does this keep happening?"

Mira sniffled back before saying, "it's God. Maybe he wants Lucy. Maybe there's a lesson behind this."

"Damn!" Natsu cried out and bawled his fist up and punched the ground almost cracking it. A dent was left behind when he lifted his hand.

"Natsu... you have to go, the surgeons will be here soon," Wendy said walking in. She sighs with depression every once in awhile but she's getting used to Lucy's absence.

"You want me to leave?! And I want my Luce! That's all I want! But neither one of us are getting what we want!" Natsu talked under his breath.

The next thing was so strange and just like a movie. Elfman, and Moscow just carried or dragged Natsu away from Lucy. Just as the door slammed shut, Natsu could still see Lucy through the small crack. She laid there like the sleeping angel, the same angel he wished would come back down to earth.


Natsu waited in the bar area, eating large mounds of foods. Mira served him with a kind smile. But the smile Mira gave Natsu, was a storm of worries for Lucy.

How is Lucy doing?

About an hour passed and the surgeons still hadn't finished.
Natsu ate and ate until his stomach felt it was his heart... bloated?

When will I see Lucy again?

Another hour bites the dust and the room with Lucy was loud with machinery noises and murmurs of people.
Natsu laid his head on the counter to sleep. But he was afraid.

That if he woke up.
Lucy would be gone.

So he stayed awake.

How is she?

Curiosity grew with every passing hour. Mira was so nurvous that Natsu would go on a rampage that she stayed close, and rubbed the same crystal wine glass for over an hour.

It wasn't until Wendy exited the guilds infirmary that Natsu perked up. He walked up to her and asked.
Actually no. He didn't need to ask. Wendy knew, everyone knew, what he wanted.

Wendy nodded. She had a tired look in her eyes and she nodded before yawning.

Natsu brushed past her and went through the open infirmary door.

There she was.


But something felt wrong.

Something felt very wrong.

He walked toward her still sleeping body, he grabbed her hand.

The warmth from her hand was gone.

Ice cold chills ran down Natsu's spine. There wasn't any reflexes or anything like that!

She was entirely limb.

A couple of doctors were still in the room. The others piled out once Natsu went through. One doctor had a white board in his hand, writing down things like disease possible cures.

The other was packing things up.

Her beautiful face was pale. The ring hand was setted over her stomach.

It took me awhile but Natsu used his fire to warm her up again. Mira watched him from the distance with a look of worry but she ended up walking away.

The doctors walked out and left Natsu alone with his beloved.

A small dog-like whine came from Natsu's throat as he bowed his head next to Lucy's right arm, and he fell asleep hugging her arm.


During the night he must've crawled in bed with her, so she could stay warm. Also, he wanted a way to still feel closer to her.

She's not dead.

She's just sleeping.

It's Almost Time To Say Goodbye Sequel to Natsu's WeaknessWhere stories live. Discover now