Lucy Gets Bed Ridden for a day

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(This chapter is bringing the dramaticness back into the story.
Lucy's sickness started to slowly kick in. Poor Natsu is weak for once in his life. Please enjoy the new chapter!)

"Good morning Natsu," Lucy said waking Natsu.

Natsu's eyes opened and they looked into Lucy's.

"Morning," he said.

Their noses were touching as they looked at each other.

It took both of them a second before snapping away blushing red.

"Uhmmmmm, yeah well I'll be in the bathroom," Lucy said staring down without making eye contact. Her face was red.

Natsu nodded acting like Lucy.

The next thing Natsu knew he was in the dark room alone.

The curtains closed off most light but alot still peaked through the cracks of the window.

Natsu looked on the floor and he saw what he made out to be a book.

"This is..." Natsu squinted his eyes, "The bible!"

A smile spread across his face.

He was so proud.

*** later

"The guy we talked with had no information on any dragons," Wendy said.

They all sat at the meeting place. Yesterday, Wendy, Charle, and Happy were the only ones here. It was a small table, with five chairs crowded around it.

"Indeed, he was into the publicity," Charle commented.

"Aye..." Happy said with a sad look.


"Don't you dare say what I think your going to say," Lucy said glaring at Natsu.

Natsu looked at her and then suddenly calmed down but not before stomping away.

That was when Lucy's heart was suddenly and very abruptly stabbed with sickness. Her eyes widened as she suddenly fell forwards into Natsu's empty chair.


Natsu caught her head before it hit the anything and he cursed under his breath. In order to reach her he threw some chairs out of the way. He had kicked away his own chair so she didn't hit it.

Wendy's and everyone's eyes opened wide.

"Wendy! She's asleep!" Natsu snapped the small blue haired girl out of the daze.

Natsu cradled Lucy's small body in his arms.

"Luce, it's okay, I promised to protect you," he whispered into her ear. Her face was twisted into a pained look with sweat circles forming.

"She's just going through it Natsu. It'll pass," Wendy said then got up from her chair causing her small blue dress to shift. Her blue hair followed behind her knees.

Natsu adjusted Lucy around so he was carrying her bridal style.

He looked down at her with this sad lost puppy look and it almost made Wendy cry. Charle and Happy sat at the table exchanging glances. They didn't know how to react.


The hotel room had echoes of heavy breathing. Natsu sat in a chair looking at Lucy.

To her, there was a needle floating around inside her. It stabbed at her insides, and every once in awhile it was in her brain stabbing more pain.

Pain was all she felt.

She refused to scream, that's what she wanted to do, but unfortunately her body was basically paralyzed. She was trying to move and that's why there was buckets of sweat.

"Natsu this will happen alot, are you sure you don't want to just put her out?" Wendy had recently asked him that.

Of course he didn't snap because Lucy had interrupted them.

Lucy gasped for air at some moments. Beads of sweat were now dropping from her forehead.

Natsu heard her gasp loudly and he grabbed her hand. His thumb rubbed circles on her palm.

His touch brought butterflies to her stomach, but they were overshadowed by pain.

" Nnnn-A.. (pained silence) Natsu!" Lucy gasped out his name. Her grip suddenly tightened in his hand.

He wrapped both hands around her and laid his forehead on their hands.

Wendy walked in and went to the other side of the hotel bed, she laid a small white wash cloth onto Lucy's forehead.

"Her fever will cool after awhile," Wendy murmured. She hated seeing Lucy in this much pain but there's nothing she can do. Nobody wants to fight Natsu.

Natsu growled at Wendy when she was about to say something probably to help Lucy calm down. It was probably just to drug her, though.

"Natsu! She- she doesn't deserve this!" Wendy screamed before running out.
What Wendy means to say is Lucy needs to die.

Happy and Charle didn't want to say anything so they just grabbed maps and tried to get Erza. But the weather in Hargeon is so bad that none of the trains are moving.

"Lucy... when you feel better we'll definitely find the cure!" Natsu told Lucy. She was barely able to move, nor talk.

"You can fight this damn sickness! You can do it!" Natsu told her.

She has to! Please Natsu mentally begged.

Natsu looked at her with this depressingly sad look, and the worst part was, there was this sad smile plastered on his face. It's a good thing Lucy went in and out of consciousness.

** hours later **

Natsu was still by Lucy's side as she slept in pain. He was wide awake hushing her now and then.

Happy was finally able to get Erza and Gray. He was told that Juvia joined in.

Erza and Gray will be here in two days. Apparently there's a cave outside of this town near the mountains. It has some dumb legend of dragons but Juvia wanted to try it.

"Anything for Love Rival!" Juvia yelled through the communication crystal lacrima.

Charle and Wendy informed Erza of their misfortunes with finding information and Lucy's sickness kicking in.

"At this rate, every time she passes out she'll be in more pain, ever single time," Wendy's voice faded.

Erza shook her head in sorrow.

Gray scoffed in bitter anger, "It's all Natsu's fault! That idiot!"

"Language! I would not want Wendy repeating that!" Then Charle ended the crystal lacrima.

The night came and took the day from them.

Poor Lucy stayed in bed all day...

"Lucy, when you feel better we'll definitely find the cure!"

It's Almost Time To Say Goodbye Sequel to Natsu's WeaknessWhere stories live. Discover now