Chapter 11 ~ Let the Battle Begin

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Spyro flapped his wings, then shot off like an arrow fired from Flameslinger's bow. He glided up to the head of the team and racked his memory for where Kaos had pointed out the dragon last time, at least to give them a faint idea of where it was now. Spyro closed his eyes, trying his very hardest to pinpoint the memory. Without warning, Spyro felt another presence in his mindscape. Standing stone still in the back of his mind was a short, shadowy figure with odd, blackish red markings around his eyes and a sky blue marking etched into its forehead. Its eyes were pure, blood red. Lighter red around the edges and deeper, darker red where the creature's pupils should have been. The creature's skin was a greyish blue. It had no emotion on its face whatsoever, but its eyes were filled with pain.

"K-K-Kaos?" Spyro asked shakily.

The creature nodded slowly.

"Kaos. We need help. I need help. We need to find where the-"

Kaos put his finger to his lips and shushed Spyro. Then pointed to the right. Spyro's eyes shot open.

"COME ON SKYLANDERS!" Spyro cried, swerving to the right violently, "We have a dragon to catch!"

As the approached where the dragon had been, Shoria drove off of a ramp and sent the Sea Shadow sky high, reaching the point the point where the Skullwrym had been. In a flash, both her and the vehicle disappeared from the view of the others and onto the deck of the dragon. Spyro darted in after the Sea Shadow and broke through the barrier that obscured the Skullwrym from their vision. Spyro touched down on the flat surface of the large deck, but something kept nagging him in the back of his mind. Making him more worried than he should have been. If Kaos had appeared in his mind as a wisp, the physical being of a person's soul to state it simply, then what had happened to him? Was Kaos...? No. Spyro shook the dreaded thought out of his mind.

"Kaos is not dead." He told himself.

Once all of the Skylanders had made their way onto the dragon, a siren sounded, making all of their ears ring. The siren stopped abruptly, and a horde of snow-henchmen, wooden puppets, and skeletal robots materialized in front of them. Blocking them from entering the fortress. The villains were standing up on a balcony-like thing, overlooking the ground floor. Ready to give orders to their respective minions. All except Skeleborg. He was at the tip top of his fortress. A quite large Wyrmling perched beside him. There was silence on both sides, both waiting for orders. But, if course, Mammagma broke it once again.

"Skeleborg! Whatever you have planned, we won't let you succeed! The Skylanders will be victorious!" Mammagma shouted at the top of his lungs, shaking his fist in the air.

"Exactly!" Shoria cried in agreement, "Whatever you think you can succeed at, we can stomp it into the ground and down to earth!" Shoria was seething with rage, shouting with all of the power she had left.

Skeleborg just stared down at the heroes. They looked like pesky little bugs from where he was standing. He slowly pointed his scythe at them as he got onto the back of the Wyrmling.

"Then prove yourselves that you are worthy of choice. You reject my offers of immortality. I will offer it one last time. Offer yourselves to become better than you are now... or we will force you."

Shoria lowered herself into an attack position, clutching her spear tightly. "Never. And I speak for all of us here. We will never surrender to the temptation of eternal life. And certainly not to the likes of you."

"As I thought." Skeleborg sighed. The Wyrmling reared up and roared. "Have at thee!"

"GET THEM, MATES!" Wolfgang commanded, pointing the end of his instrument at the Skylanders, "FOR SKELEBORG!"

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