Chapter __ ~ The Leaked 'Threat'

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"You-You're an insane fool..." Garglox noted. He, Prothras and Krattix were standing in a field next to the chest Prothras had recovered from the old Arkeyan fortress.

"Whatever is in this chest," Prothras explained, "contains great power. Something we can use to cause chaos. Something to make these pitiful mortals weak. Desperate. More capable to be controlled."

Krattix clenched his fists tightly. He was doing his best to control his rage. To contain his unimaginable anger within him. "I know our master made you with such a big ego, but do you think YOU can control that... that thing!?"

"Perhaps in time. For now though..." Prothras waved her hand in the chest's direction and the lid flew open violently. "It's time to let her loose."

Krattix stepped back, his glowing eyes widening under the shadows cast by his hood. As the lid thumped against the back of the box, a large, swirling burst of dark purple and bright, flashing pink energy erupted from the open box. Spiralling up into the sky. Clouds formed. Black. Evil. Seeming to be drawn towards the spiral. Crackling and pulsing with energy as they covered what had once been visible of the darkening sky.

"Let's move!"

Garglox dissipated into the ground without hesitation. The others following suit. It was time to let this insane plan Prothras had pitched to the others unfold. Once the three had disappeared completely, a figure crashed down to the ground in front of the chest that had once contained it. It rose as the energy that had escaped with it dissipated. Along with the sparking clouds it had summoned. Ready for her dramatic reveal...

"Oye!" The figure hunched over as she put her hand to the back of her aching neck. "Ten thousand years will put such a crink in the neck!" She turned towards the screen, smiling. A gleam in her once closed eyes. "That's a reference, mind you."

At that, the figure's paw-like feet left the ground as she began floating into the air. Trying to straighten herself as she bent over backwards. She was a cat-like creature with dark purple, vibrant pink and white striped fur. She wore a violet suit over a white vest that looked to be from the olden days. And, just to inforce the idea that she wasn't from this time, an old fashioned, violet hat with a pink feather was resting on her head. In her hand, she held the golden handle of a white, lacy parasol. Once done working out the stiff joints in her body, she looked over to the horizon to see a town silhouetted against the setting sun.

"Well then," She grinned, her voice a soft purr with a slight old-timey accent. "Time for Ms. Shift's big appearance!"

Kaos awoke from yet another restless sleep. His body ached from being curled up on the ground all night. His mind hurt like someone had driven the Shark Tank over it. Despite it being a week since the incident with Kyrel and... everything else that had happened that night, Kaos still felt like a wreck. School starting up again today didn't help either. Kaos knew it would be work, work and more work right from the moment they walked into class. At least being back to the 'regular' way things were gave Kaos a chance to seek out his next victim.

"That reminds me..." Kaos mumbled to himself. "Still gotta test drive this new one."

Kaos rubbed the sleep from his eyes and glanced out his window. He had some time before class started. Kaos looked down at his hand, then snapped his fingers. A mediocre electric pulse followed close after. His hand crackling with electricity. Kaos shrugged. A good ability to have for stunning someone, but not for an execution based battle. Nonetheless, it was good to have. Besides, having this meant Kyrel was reduced to nothing but a husk. A powerless being. Kaos smirked, snickering to himself. It felt good to be on top. He quickly got changed into his usual outfit, then noticed something digging into the back of his neck as he straightened out his robes. The necklace. Kaos had completely forgotten he was wearing it, even though it had been on since the moment Shoria had given it to him. He decided to leave it on. It just felt... right. He grabbed his books off of the ground and at the foot of his bed, then slipped out into the hallway quietly.

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