Chapter 24 ~ Protection and 'Life' Skills

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"Well, I mean, Stealth's usually up for anything, even when she loses her strength. She stays dedicated to her work, or else she fears she'll lose herself." Shoria muttered back.

Kaos sat up straight in his seat once again, finding this an acceptable answer for the time being. Shoria knew this statement was true, but... she wasn't sure whether she wanted Stealth to go through with this. Shoria already knew the curriculum, so she could have taught the class while Stealth was resting, conserving her strength. But, Shoria also knew that Stealth would never allow that. Kaos opened his eyes again and stared at Stealth. She was shakily writing the lesson up on the blackboard in faded, light mint colored chalk.

"What's this class teach again?" Kaos asked, leaning back over so Shoria could hear his slight whisper of a voice better.

The warmth of Shoria's touch still flitted through him slightly, like an after effect. Filling him with the oddest feeling. Happiness. True, pure happiness. It was unnerving for Kaos, but the feeling was starting to grow on him. And as it faded away, he longed for it more and more. Kaos had no idea why... he just did. Happiness was like a drug. Once you've had it, you can't live without it. Everything else is painful and dull.

"Life Skills. It's always important to be able to tell the good from the bad." Shoria explained.

Shoria sat still and thought as she answered Kaos' question. Not thinking about the question he had asked, that required little to no thought over. She thought about the millions of questions she had been asking herself throughout the day. Ever since Kaos showed up on that, very odd, night. Why was she doing this? Why was she actually friends with the most evil Portal Master in all of Skylands? Was it because he had saved her? Or because... no. It couldn't be that... could it? Kaos stifled a laugh, sitting upright in his chair again.

"Life Skills? Heh geg. You know, 'Life', like, her element? Ah, nevermind. No one ever gets my jokes anyway..." Kaos said, his mouth twisting into a small smirk as he said so.

Shoria giggled quietly, smiling. "Well then, today's your lucky day. I actually got it." She laughed quietly so Stealth couldn't overhear their conversation.

Kaos' eyes lit up in amusement. He started cackling quietly along with Shoria.

"Ya know, for once I'm kinda glad I got caught by you Skylosers... again. I think that total humiliation was worth every second I've been here... well, most of it." Kaos said quietly once the two had stopped laughing and were now facing the front of the classroom again.

Other students that had not yet arrived were now bustling into the room just as the bell sounded. Lucky break for them. Kaos took a deep breath, anticipating their reactions of hatred and disgust that were sure to come. Stealth had finished writing on the board, had placed the chalk down in its spot, and was now facing the class once again. Ready to address the class once everyone had found their seats. Every student Kaos saw sat away from him and Shoria. They weren't sure why the tiny tyrant was even here, Kaos guessed the news hadn't sand into their little pea sized brains (or lack thereof) yet, nor did they know why Shoria was helping him out; but they didn't care. In the slightest. Just so long as they sat as far away from the dark whisp and his 'escort', they were happy. Once ready, they all turned their attention to the blackboard and the life elf that stood in front of it. Waiting patiently to begin today's lesson.

"Now then, class, I hope you will be..." Stealth paused and looked to Kaos. From a distance she looked fine, but Kaos could pick out the hatred and resentment burning in her gaze. "...nice to our new student, Kaos."

Kaos cringed slightly. The cruelty and rage laced deep within her steely voice was detectable to anyone who could here. Maybe even to those who couldn't. Kaos looked down at the floor beneath his desk. Glowering at it angrily as if this was all its fault. Oh, how he wanted to blast that little, meddlesome elf into oblivion and be done with this entire 'new leaf' charade... but he had to wait. Bide his time. Earn their trust... then crush it into dust when the time was right.

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