Chapter __ ~ Man Down

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Mammagma looked around, surveying the line up of wheeled vehicles, all revving and ready to go. There was the typical line up, mostly mabu with makeshift vehicles - mainly there to fill up space - a few wannabe villains that couldn't tell the gearshift from the air conditioner, and then there was Shakai's team and him. By the looks of it, Mammagma thought it would be smooth sailing... or riding, seeing as they weren't the sea vehicle drivers. Mixed metaphors aside, the magma elephant was willing to bet this race would be a sinch. That was, until he spotted one of the farther racers, just pulling up into place, no less than a few minutes to spare. A low growl escaped Mammagma's throat.

"Speed Daemon..." He grumbled irritably, his grip tightening on the wheel.

The aforementioned racer got off of his motorcycle, taking his helmet off and setting it down on the seat. He was a blue-skinned, lanky creature that resembled a frost demon of sorts, retaining more of their humanoid features, but an icy demeanor nonetheless.

"Who's that?" Quinn asked, leaning over slightly as Mammagma's muttering reached her ears. While waiting, the Creator had stripped off her jacket, setting it on the back of her seat, now wearing a sort of cute, punk top with a simplistic skull on the middle.

"Oh, just the bane of the racing world." Mammagma groaned. "Speed Daemon, a villain racer with a winning streak of every single race he's participated in, not that those wins were fair..."

Mammagma returned to his grouching as Quinn looked over to the frost demon, a smirk playing across her face as a newfound confidence shon in her eyes. She tied her hair up into a ponytail as the clock began counting down the final few minutes before the race.

"There's always a first for everything, and I don't plan on letting up." She spoke aloud cooly, Shakai soon picking up on her confidence.

"So what if he's never lost, all the more reason to go hard, or go home." He added.

Mammagma glanced over at them, then smirked as he looked back down the track, his eyes narrow as he looked it over, plotting out the route he would take. They had a cube to win, and he wasn't going to let a half-baked frost demon with a speedy motorcycle get in the way of that.

The others had gotten settled in a few of the front rows by the time the last minute was counting down. Scrape watched eagerly from the sidelines, her tail swaying back and forth excitedly as the timer dropped to zero, the holographic image of Pandergast appearing on the supposedly golden pedestal right beside the starting line, flag in hand.

"Racers!" He announced. "Start your engines!"

Smog billowed out from a few of the mabu's vehicles as the sound of revving engines filled the air, people on the sidelines already beginning to cheer. Mammagma glanced over one last time to Daemon, only to find the demon returning his gaze, smug and cold.


"Think you can beat me, tubby?" He mouthed before giving a laugh, putting his helmet back on before gripping the handlebars of his vehicle with gloved hands, smoke streaming from the tailpipe as he started up his bike.


Gritting his teeth, Mammagma growled, "I can sure as hell try..." before sounding the horn of his Eruption Express, starting it up shortly afterwards.


Whisp had to hold Scrape back to stop her from falling onto the track as she leaned over the fence in anticipation, Kaos nearby rolling his eyes at their antics.


Daemon took off like a bullet into the forest, Mammagma falling behind as the rest of the racers made their way through the first leg of the race. Given, Mammagma's acceleration wasn't the best, far from it if he was being honest; but as he weaved his way through the fallen branches and flames dancing across the track, he began to slowly make his way to second, firing Magma Missiles at the blue flamed motorbike. Quinn had fallen back to somewhere around the middle of the group, although was managing to work her way through obstacles laying across the track. She nodded back to Shakai who placed his hands down on the back of the front seats, the vehicle lighting up for a second before ramping off of a fallen log, soaring over a few of the other cars and quickly catching up with Mammagma, falling into third with her, now supercharged, vehicle. Daemon glanced behind him, noticing the two almost instantly through the tinted visor of his helmet. Groaning in contempt, he slipped his fingers over to the side of his handlebar, pressing a button on the end. A scalding ring of blue flames erupted around his bike, spreading out once the wall grew big enough, engulfing both Mammagma and Quinn's vehicles before dissipating. Mammagma's express veered off course for a second or two, Quinn really only being forced to slow down, both in an attempt to avoid the bulk of the damage, allowing Daemon to speed away along the track. With a grumble, Shakai flicked his wrist and a wave of frosty air was dispelled by the now real wings on the sides of the vehicle, putting out the fires enough for them to continue on after the villainous racer.

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