Chapter __ ~ On Your Marks

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Kaos looked over his shoulder, immediately spotting the owner of the voice. "Oh, for the love of the Darkness..." He swore under his breath.

All of the racers looked over to see who had arrived. The approaching racer didn't have a conventional vehicle like all the rest. Instead, she was riding on something that resembled a skateboard, just without the wheels. Her shoes were strapped tightly onto the polished piece of obsidian colored metal below her, a pale purple fire design imprinted on the bottom of the board, the edges having a silver lining around them. The girl riding the hoverboard pulled up beside Kaos; scratching the thin, serpent like dragon that was curled around her shoulders under the chin, grinning happily.

"Hey there, fellow challenger! The name's Mey-" The girl beamed over at Kaos, then froze, her eyes widening. "Little brother!? Benevolent Ancients, I didn't know YOU were racing!!"

Kaos slammed his head onto the dashboard, groaning in an exasperated manner as he spoke. "Hello, Mey. Benevolent Ancients... help."

Shade looked up at the sound of Kaos' distress, immediately noticing Meyhem. After all, it wasn't hard to notice the only person not in a traditional air vehicle.

"Oh no..."

"On your mark racers!"

"We can't let this distract us!" Lucarian shouted to the others, getting into position for the race.

"On your mark!"

Kaos pulled his head up, shaking the thoughts from his head. He wouldn't let his sister distract him from the task at hand. He needed to win, and Meyhem being their competition wouldn't stop him from achieving that.

"Get set!"

Leaning over the dashboard, Kaos looked over to see the track they had to take. Already, the track took a basic nosedive into a large, gaping cavern made completely of sickly sweet, brown and white swirled candy, the interior lined with chocolate stalagmites and stalactites.



Whisp appeared up on the deck of the Dread Yacht, and upon seeing the state BEN was in, broke into a fit of giggles she couldn't quite stifle.

"And what seems to be the problem, my little troll?" She said, a sly smirk on her face.

"So it was you!!"

"If you're talking about your transformation into a troll, then yes, that was me." Whisp purred.

Without a moment to ponder the route he was going to take, Kaos was off with the other racers, weaving through the pointed chocolate obstacles with reckless abandon as he quickly tried to make his way to the front of the heard. Before he could pull up farther into the lead, though, Meyhem shot ahead, her hoverboard much more easily maneuverable than his Doom Jet.

"Sorry guys!" Meyhem called back. "Can't go easy on ya just cause we're friends! I'm here till win this, one way or another!!"

Cytronic clacked in agreement, slithering around Meyhem's shoulders until it was facing back towards the other racers, coughing up a fireball. The fireball shots towards Shade, but exploded mere inches away from impact. The Darkling looked up as the cloud of smoke quickly engulfed his vehicle, although he quickly got through it. He looked up to see Kaos zooming past time catch up with his sister, fiddling with the controls as he flew. Kaos looked up from his dashboard and smirked over at Shade.

"I said I'd have your back!" He snickered, then looked down at his dashboard again. "Ah, yes! Here it is!"

Kaos pressed one of the buttons with a flourish of his hand and shot forward, weaving in and out of the competition and obstacles in his way. Meyhem had already gotten farther ahead than anyone else, due to the obvious fact that a small hoverboard was not your conventional racing vehicle.

"Cytronic! Now!" Meyhem commanded.

The dragon uncurled itself from around her shoulders and blasted the nearest vehicle with a volley of fireballs before going back to its comfortable resting positions, the vehicle that was hit spiralling into the cavern wall. Kaos quicky slammed on the brakes, reeling back to try stop his precious Doom Jet from getting caught in the collision.

"Good boy!" Meyhem congratulated as she scratched Cytronic under the snout before looking back to the track ahead, a determined look on her face.

"After her!" Lucarian shouted. The Shadow Dragoon lunged forward, starting to make up the distance between it and Meyhem, soaring past the Tiny Tyrant who was desperately trying to right himself. The vehicle opened its jaws, sending a plume of dark, burning smog towards the hoverboard, which soon engulfed it, the Shadow Dragoon pulling ahead shortly afterwards. The parade of racers soon reached the bottom of the hole, pulling up as the ground hurtled towards them and turning off into a conjoined tunnel, the damp ceiling above them covered in dark, shaded shapes, beady eyes staring down at the vehicles hurtling past. Soon enough, they emerged into a large cavern, the sound of roaring water now as clear as day, the source sitting smack dab in front of them; an enormous, frothy, chocolate waterfall cascading down the wall of the cavern, the ground below them covered in the same ritch substance. Love or hate Pandergast, all could agree he never cut the theatrics short. Shade and Angelo flew closely behind Lucarian, marveling at the scenery as they emerged. Their marvel was cut short, though, as Shade's ears rang with a loud CRACK. The darkling looked up to see the high, brittle ceiling above them had begun to crumble, stalactites tumbling down towards the racers like, well, razor sharp candy stalactites.

"Everybody watch out!" Angelo shouted as he pulled ahead, ducking and weaving through the falling, sugary obstacles.

Back behind the rest, Kaos was rambling to himself as he floored the gas, ranting about how unfair it was that Meyhem had just happened to show up to steal his moment to shine. Of course, part of him knew that she wasn't intentionally doing it, she was naively kind in nature, but still. Better to blame his failure on his sister rather than himself. Emerging into the chasm, Kaos immediately spotted Meyhem trying to make her way back to the front of the pack, Cytronic sending out blasts of electricity at the racers behind her. Then the front of his jet was hit by a falling candy cane. Vehicle sputtering and Kaos swearing at the top of his lungs, the Doom Jet pitched forward, practically doing a summersault in the air before righting itself again. He was basically last now, just a few straggling mabu behind him, and even they were catching up quick. Turning his attention back to the racers ahead, Kaos zoned in on the waterfall. It was crazy. Only a fool would risk everything on that chance. Then again, Kaos was as crazy as anyone could get. With a deep breath, the Tiny Tyrant stepped on the gas pedal and shot towards the waterfall, just as he heard Meyhem call another attack from her metallic pet.


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