Chapter __ ~ When The Realms Align

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The ear splitting sound of glass shattering resounded through the field. Everyone found themselves being torn back to the problem at hand, their eyes following the sound to it's source. Ms. Shift looked up from her book, then closed it slowly as her eyes narrowed, locked on the Dark Portal Master. A less than amused look glistening in her eyes. Kaos met her gaze, unphased. His breathing slow and steady. A snarl spread across his face. The obsidian colored chain he had launched laying only a few centimeters away from Ms. Shift. The two stood stone still, locked in a silent battle. As the seconds ticked past, Ms. Shift grew less and less unamused, and more and more shocked as the reality dawned on her. This little pest... had broken through her shield. Maybe it had been weakened somewhat by Dark Shakai's attempt, or maybe she had just let her guard down, but he had broken through nonetheless. Kaos, seeming neither impressed with his work nor shocked he had broken through, finally broke the silence.

"I'm done playing around."

Lucarian froze, then whirled around, a panicked look in his wide eyes. His gaze fell upon the scene unfolding. Kaos had managed to break her energy shield, and Ms. Shift was reeling backwards, slightly in shock over the whole ordeal. Lucarian glanced wildly around, exchanging looks with his fellow Creators. They all seemed to be as alarmed as he was.

"Well," Ms. Shift noted as she brushed herself off, looking down at the Tiny Tyrant. A mix of amusement and unimpressment on her face. "You actually broke it. Good job."

Before Kaos could land another attack, Ms. Shift held out her hand and the Tiny Tyrant flew backwards. Crashing into the trunk of a tree then sliding to the ground. Shoria's eyes widened in shock and began running towards Kaos, but Shade stopped her. The look in his glowing red eyes telling her now wasn't the time. With a satisfied smirk on her face, Ms. Shift glanced over at the Creators, who had all gathered, then turned completely to face them.

"Ah, there you are! I was beginning to think you had escaped our little party!" Ms. Shift cackled gleefully, before giving Lucarian a sly glance. "Do you regret making me, Lucarian?"

"Why do you want us here?" Lucarian asked, his voice stone cold. "Or is this just for your own sick fun?"

"Oh, more or less the ladder." Ms. Shift responded snarkily.

Scrape bared her teeth, unsheathing her claws. Her tail thrashing back and forth angrily. Whisp maintained a calm demeanor, but her eyes glowed fiercely. Quinn glared at Ms. Shift, hugging her living plushies closer to her chest. Ms. Shift just grinned at their display, unphased. Shoria glanced from the Creators, to Kaos, then locked eyes with Shade. The Darkling nodded slightly, then Shoria ran off to help her friend. Shade looked over to the Creators as Ms. Shift opened her mouth to speak once again.

"Actually, Lucarian, now that you think about it, with all of you here... I now have another realm to deal with!"

Shade's eyes widened as realization struck. "You... You want the human world as well."

"I'm an all powerful villain," Ms. Shift answered. "It would be dumb of me to miss this opportunity. But I want to play one last game."

"What if we don't like it?" Asked Mammagma.

"Oh, you will." Ms. Shift giggled, then flicked her hands to the sky. "There. Now you have..." She rolled up her sleeve to see over a dozen different watched ticking away. "Three days before the various realms crash into yours... and destroys it."

"WHAT!?" Scrape cried, shock overpowering her anger.

"Woah woah woah woah; wait just a minute there, Shifty." Whisp shouted. "You're planning on DESTROYING THIS REALM?!"

"Not just this one. All of them!" She smiled cheerily.

Whisp shook her head, wrapping her mind around the situation they were in. "That's just... beyond insane. You're broken."

Toby glared at Ms. Shift from underneath his goggles, a scown underneath his mouthguard. "You'll never win!" He shouted as his head twitched to the side in anger.

Both Masky and Hoody shook their heads furiously as a low growl escaped Slenderman's nonexistent mouth.

"Oh, I could destroy it sooner." Ms. Shift teased playfully, "But that would end things too quickly." With a quick motion, she popped open her umbrella and began floating into the air. "Now, if you excuse me, I'm off to find something else to do. Toodles!"

Lucarian shouted in defiance, but Ms. Shift had already floated out of earshot.

"No... NO! GET BACK HERE AND FIGHT YOU COWARD!" Kaos screamed at the top of his lungs as he jumped to his feet, causing Shoria to stumble back slightly. His voice sounded warped. Distorted, even. "YOU CALL YOURSELF A VILLAIN!? ALL YOU DO IS TAUNT AND MAKE FLIMSY THREATS! YOU COWER BEHIND A SHIELD, TOO AFRAID TO ACTUALLY FIGHT US! YOU MAKE ME SICK!"

Scrape shuttered, feeling a slight chill in the air. The chill growing with every passing second. She glanced down at her amulet, the stone in it glowing a faint purple. She could feel the shadows reaching in, attempting to swallow up the light. She looked around at her fellow Creators, who didn't seem to sense any difference, then turned and ran up to Kaos. Placing her hands on his shoulders lightly.

"Kaos. Calm down." She pleaded. "You're losing control of yourself."

Scrape stared, unblinking, into Kaos eyes, burning with rage. After a few seconds, Kaos shuttered, then took a deep breath and fell to his knees. The fire slowly leaving his eyes.

"...This isn't right... none of this was supposed to happen..." He mumbled.

"We know." Scrape smiled gently.

Shoria walked up to Kaos and placed her hand on his back comfortingly. Scrape smiled at this, and Shoria blushed lightly. Taking her hand away. Scrape giggled. Quinn watched from a distance, saying nothing before she looked down towards the ground. Gritting her teeth to keep herself from getting emotional as Shakai was recovering from his endeavor. Starting to recall what he had done in his dark form. A red hot blush quickly appearing across his cheeks. Scrape wrapped her arms around Kaos' shoulders, holding him close. Attempting to comfort him. Kaos' eyes were closed, a look of anguish on his face. This turn out, this 'new threat', could jeopardize his entire mission beyond anything he had planned for. On top of that, he could tell the Poser Masters knew about his little... secret. One slip of the tongue from any of them and Kaos would have a one way ticket to Cloudcracker. This was great. Just great.

Buzz turned towards Hugo. "Hugo, is that... creature right? About the realms crashing?"

"Look what she's done, Buzz." Hugo sighed, "I wouldn't be surprised if that happened.

"She did." Lucarian stated plainly and quietly, everyone turning to face him. "I made her. I know her entire plot. This is part of it."

Before Lucarian could add any more, Shade forcefully grabbed his collar, pushing up against a tree trunk. Shade was a few inches taller than him, but they looked quite similar to one another. Lucarian was even dressed in a very similar way.

"Then you'd better know how to stop her." Shade growled, his eyes blazing, "Or I'm going to-"

"Shade!" Ringmaster shouted. "This is not the time!"

Shade growled, then backed up, letting Lucarian go. Lucarian stumbled slightly, but quickly caught his breath as he gasped for air.

"Well," Lucarian coughed, "if I am correct, we need to visit an old... friend of yours, Shade."

Shade frowned. "You can't be serious."

"Who?" Mammagma asked, intrigued.

"The first villain Angelo and I caught." Shade replied.

"Well then." Buzz interjected. "It looks like we're paying a visit to good ol' Cloudcracker Prison!"  

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