Chapter __ ~ Warrior of Metal

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Shade continued to walk down the staircase, his eyes peeled and senses heightened. Searching for any kind of opposing danger or immediate threat that could show itself at any moment. His legs ached slightly with every motion. His muscles tightening up with every movement he made. Shade had been walking for what felt like an hour already. The staircase seemingly endless. Continuing to spiral on down for eternity. No sign of ever being able to locate the bottom. No hope of ever finding the fabled cure for his curse. Angelo kept reassuring him that it wasn't far now. Diablo continued to taunt him, saying Shade would never find the scroll, no matter how hard he tried. No matter how long he walked. Shade chose to ignore Diablo and just listen to Angelo's reassuring comments. Finally, they made it to the bottom of the staircase. Shade stood on the final step. This was it. Shade didn't move. Doubt festering in the darkest reaches of his mind. What if it wasn't here? What if someone had already found it? What then? Shade glanced down at the crystal resting on his collarbone. Angelo smiled reassuringly up at him. Shade looked back up into the room. He still didn't move. At the other end, there was another flight of stairs leading downwards. They were straight this time, not curving like the last flight, and Shade could just make out the final room at the bottom. So close to the end, yet Shade still didn't move. As if he was waiting for the room to come to him.

"How did you find this place?" Shade asked after a few minutes of silence from both parties.

"By accident, really." Angelo admitted. "That, and a bit of magic. No one has been home for over a millennium, so I figured that it would be a good place to hide such a powerful spell."

"Can you be sure that every Arkeyan here is no longe-"

RRRRAAAAAAAUGH! Shade whirled around on the last step to see a large, metallic bull-like creature charging towards him. Its hooves slamming into the steps with such force it left little dents in the metal. Shade quickly jumped over the creature just before its large, grey metal horns came in contact with Shade's chest. The creature bolted into the room, then skidded to a stop when it realized it had missed its target. It turned towards Shade as he landed back down on the last step. Then stepped off into the room. Hunkered down in a stance that was meant for defence, not attack. The creature pawed the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust. The creature had a humanoid, bull-like body crafted of a bronze-colored metal; but of which was much more durable, and decorated with red markings. The typical Arkeyan style but not color scheme. Its horns and hooves were comprised of grey metals like steel or iron. Its burning yellow eyes flared with anger.

"LeAvE tHiS pLaCe!" The creature roared. Its voice choppy and broken. A wire in its neck sparked as it spoke.

"WHY SHOULD WE?!" Diablo snorted.

"We're just here to find a spell." Shade explained. "As soon as we find it, we'll leave you be!"

"No OnE tAkEs AnYtHiNg FrOm HeRe!" The creature roared. "No OnE lEaVeS hErE aLiVe! So SaYs MeTaLtAuR!"

Shade held his ground as a panel on Metaltaur's back slid open and a minigun snaked out. Propping itself on top of his shoulder. Metaltaur fired multiple golden bullets at Shade rapidly, but Shade teleported away before the bullets could reach him. This did not improve the Arkeyan Century's mood.

"ShOw YoUrSeLf, CoWaRd!"

Shade launched out of Metaltaur's shadow, and plunged his blade into the open panel in Metaltaur's back. Metaltaur roared out in pain. Without warning, the Arkeyan Century twisted its arms backwards and grabbed Shade forcefully from where he was perched on Metaltaur's back. Then, with all of his might, Metaltaur slammed Shade into the far wall. Readjusting its arms back into position. Shade groaned in pain as Metaltaur charged forward and swung his fist at the Darkling. But again, Shade teleported away before he could be struck. Metaltaur whirled around to see if Shade had reappeared behind him again, but all his glowing yellow eyes laid their gaze upon was the far wall. Without warning, a Wisp Whip wrapped around the Arkeyan Century's bulky, metal arm. It tilted its head up to see Shade hanging from a dark area the ceiling. Shade tipped the brim of his hat at Metaltaur, then let go of the metal beam his legs were curled around and plunged downwards. Past the final flight of stairs. Pulling the hulking metal bull with him. As the two free-fell, Shade dodged Metaltaur's punches and bullets with some difficulty. He was starting to regret this plan. Shade sent out another Wisp Whip to wrap around Metaltaur's other arm, subduing him, but Metaltaur beat him to it. He grabbed the end of the whip and flung Shade towards the ground in the room. Shade winced, agony flitting through him as he crashed into the floor. Back first. Metaltaur landed a few feet away from him. The floor cracking beneath the Arkeyan Century's hooves.

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