~ Update ~

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Hey, Portal Masters!

Squeeee~! Ahem. Heh heh. Sorry. I'm just so happy to be writing in this book again. And you guys are probably wondering what this update is about. Possibly hoping for the best. So, I'll cut right to it. I have some good news, some bad news, and a little update to go along with everything. Just for suspense reasons, I'll start off with the bad news.

I have heard from my good friend Quinn (also known as Alonesomewolf here on Wattpad) that from what she knows and has experienced on Miiverse (the sight where the RP is held), there is no known way of retrieving the lost posts. They are gone. Forever.
Luckily for us, the juicy stuff starts to kick up again in the posts we do have. So, that's always a plus. And, no. That was not the only good news.

I have started writing this book again. Lucarian, one of my other friends and fellow RPer, has been able to re-write a pretty prominent part in the storyline (okay. I lied. There was some storyline breaking stuff in those posts. I just didn't want you guys to worry) for my convenience (and I think he had fun doing it too. That's always a plus 😆). I am currently working on converting that to story format as we speak.

Now. Onto the update. I have made a make or break decision for this book. I will be posting again from 'Shade's Side Story' and everything we have to come afterwards. Once I am done that, I will be going back and trying to piece things together from the lost posts. I have the basic gist of everything that happens, I just believe I need a more developed view of everything that occurred before I can start writing those chapters. So, for a while, the chapters I post will not have numbers. Just to make things easier to go back to and change when I do write the lost chapters.
Oh, don't worry. I won't drop you guys off in the middle of the story and tell you to have fun figuring what in the shadow realm is going on. For your convenience, I present a recap of what we lost (or as much as I can remember of it)... in point form:

*Note: If you do not want spoilers for the lost chapters and would prefer to derp your way through the rest of the story like I do with my life, go ahead. I am just writing this list just in case. It is not mandatory to read. Well... Maybe it is. But I'll leave that up to you. The almighty reader. Also, in the recap of what we lost, I will try to be as vague as possible; if that helps your decision at all :) *

1. During Ringmaster's show, a cloaked figure appears on stage and disrupts the entire show. This figure turns out to actually be Kaos' sister, Meyhem, searching for him. Believing the Skylanders captured him again. (What. Did you think I was gonna spring one of the Seven Deadly on you this early on? Think again. XD)

1 1/2. Back outside, Kyrel gets posessed by one of the Seven Deadly.

...nothing much else to say on the matter. We'll get back to this later.

2. After the show, Kaos is granted a visit by a not so friendly person (who's name shall remain a mystery for now) who's intentions are nothing more than murderous. Though, Kaos has much bigger problems than that at the moment.

3. In the morning, Shoria finds Kaos kneeling on the floor of his room, coughing up blood and dragonfire. He tells Shoria that he's contracted Dragonsbane. But, maybe it's something more than that? (*cough* *cough* Spyro * cough* *cough*)
Shoria immediately takes Kaos to the infirmary, where they manage to subdue the firey cold with Meyhem's help. (And a little bit of her bad cooking skills XD)

4. A few days after the Dragonsbane incident, Shoria is dropping Kaos' homework off at his dorm room due to the fact he had to miss classes to get better, and notices one of the teachers placed a flier for the Christmas dance amongst his homework. Shoria thinks nothing of it until she's walking down the hallway and Kaos has already picked up his stack of papers. After a while of lying awake on the floor, Kaos decides to look through the bundle of homework Shoria has so graciously gifted him. While looking, he notices the flyer and is taken aback. After a few seconds of just staring at it, Kaos grabs the flyer off of his desk and pokes his head out into the hallway. Shoria had left. Kaos rolls his eyes, slams his door and chucks the crumpled flyer into the trashcan.

5. A few weeks pass. Kaos recovers extremely well from the cold, and everything is going perfectly swell. That's when the day comes to decorate the tree. The committee of decorating (with Shoria on it) get straight to work with the Grand Tree, I believe we called it, and Kaos sulks off somewhere. Only to be dragged into a chat with Eon. His biological father.

6. After the chat, Eon convinces Kaos to help with sorting the presents. Reluctantly, Kaos obliges, but seemed to become more willing once he sees Shoria helping out. He, Shoria and Hugo handle most of the sorting. Then, to make things easier for them all, Kaos decides to summon a few... Helpers. Wandering Spirits plagued with serving the undead Masters for eternity as punishment for their wrongdoings in the waking life. (You can see why Kaos so desperately does not want to die now, right?) This act sends Hugo into a fit of rage and fear, so he runs off to go find Master Eon. Once the mabu returns with the elderly Portal Master, Kaos and Shoria have finished sorting. No sign left that there had ever been wandering spirits to help them out.

7. A few days later, Kaos spots the crumpled up flyer in his trashcan and decides then and there to do it. At lunch that day, Kaos is about to ask Shoria when Kyrel swoops in and asks Shoria of they can talk. Hidden, Kaos follows them and listens in on their conversation, only to have his little black heart shatter when he hears Kyrel beating him to the chase. And Shoria agreeing to go to the dance with him.

*Spoilers end here. Sorry. That wasn't really vague at all, now was it. I HAS DERPED UP! AGAIN! WOOO HOOO!*

That was the recap of what I can remember we lost. A lot of #Karia . That's what. If anyone on the team can remember if I forgot anything, then please comment it. I don't want to feel like I DERPED up at yet another thing in my life... Which I probably did. Don't judge me!

Okay, well, getting back on track now, I know today is the usual posting day, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to get something out of not. If I can't today, I'll try for sometime over the weekend.
Also, on a completely unrelated topic, some of you may have noticed the picture I added for the chapter 'Lovestruck'. If not, here it is:

I am hoping to be able to do a picture for every chapter

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I am hoping to be able to do a picture for every chapter. Highlighting the main event/focus if that chapter. It might take some time, but I'm exited for it. I've been planning to do this for a while now, but never found the time. With the lapse in the activity for this book, I thought now would be a good time to try. Better now than never. So, I guess there's something else to look forward to in the future of this book.

Welp. That's all from me for now. Hope to be getting back to you guys with the first chapter of 'Shade's Side Story' soon enough! Laterz!
- Scrape (the Derp is a Derp-asaurus tEM)

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