Chapter __ ~ The Power of Books

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Whisp had a sour look on her face. She agreed to the plan, but was still a little crestfallen. She watched as the fat robot walked off to go grab the Traptanium crystal needed for Zelcron's transport and eventually walked out of sight. It was then a lightbulb flashed on inside her head.

"Wait. I still got an idea. Master Slenderman?"

Whisp smiled slightly evilly as she she took the book Slenderman held out to her, as if he knew her plan. She then looked over to the rest of the group. Kaos was smiling creepily. With this plan, he'd have the chance to get his hands on some new, dark powers AND utterly destroy someone's life in the process. It was perfect! It was at that moment Kaos was pulled from his thoughts of conquest as he realized Scrape was staring at him. He stopped grinning like a madman and instead tried his best to look concerned with the situation they were all in. Scrape gave him a skeptical look, but decided to leave it at that. Kaos let out a sigh of relief.

Damn. He thought. I still have to find a way to get rid of these stupid Poser Masters...

"Hey, guys?" Whisp called to get everyone's attention. "I have to go do something quickly. Don't worry. I'll be right back. Emi-chan? Kaos? Can you come with me?"

Toby gave a groan, picking up on Whisp's plan. "Why can't me, Masky and Hoodie come? We actually know them!" He argued.

"And that means they won't be scared of you." Whisp retorted. Turning and beginning to walk down the hallway.

As Masky, Hoodie and Toby complained to one another, Scrape looked down at Kaos. An excited grin on her face. Kaos just rolled his eyes, then the two headed off after Whisp. Lucarian kept his eye on Whisp as the three walked out, Kaos seeming like these actions were more forced than willing. He wasn't quite sure what she was up to. Lucarian had never known her in 'real life'... at least until now, and he was surprised to say the least. Especially with her friends. As Whisp, Scrape and Kaos walked out of sight, though, Lucarian turned back to the group. Just in time to see Zelcron being sucked inside the Traptanium pendant that now resigned with Angelo.

"So, Whisp? Whaddaya need us for, hmm?" Scrape asked, cocking her head to the side.

"I think we'd all like to know that." Kaos growled, staring at the floor as he walked. "And make it quick. I have... things I need to be getting to."

Whisp stopped abruptly, then turned around to face the others. Scrape stopped too, but Kaos wasn't so fortunate. He ran into Scrape, then stumbled backwards, caught off guard by their sudden lack of movement. Whisp sighed, shaking her head.

"I need your help in calling up some of my friends. You two are the Creator-creation bond with the most power." Whisp then pulled out the book, letting her words sink in, then opened it. Beginning to speak to its blank pages casually. "Kadence? You there?"

After a few seconds, a voice came back from the pages of the book. Followed by the face of a young woman's face appearing on the paper. "Yeah. Whisp?"

"I need some backup. This weird old lady named Ms. Shift sucked us into another dimension and I need a handful of people to help stop her. My friends Scrape and Kaos are here. They'll be helping you guys get out."

"Friends?" Kaos scoffed.

Whisp looked over at him, anger flaring in her eyes. "Shhhh!" She hissed, then looked back to the book. "I need you, BEN, Jeff, EJ and River. Pronto."

The picture of the woman nodded, then disappeared. No trace left that she had ever been there. Whisp then set the book down, open to the page it had been on, then looked over to Scrape and Kaos. She then told them to surround the book. They didn't want the others getting far. Scrape just smiled gleefully, running over to the book and standing as close as she could. Kaos just looked confused, but did as he was told anyway. Walking to the opposite side of the book. After a few minutes of just standing there uneventfully, the book's pages began to glow and flip through themselves. Each time the pages stopped, a new being formed out of their light. First was a boy in an old Link cosplay. His red and black eyes peircing. Next was a man wearing a black hoodie and a blue mask. The eye sockets black with goo slowly dribbling out of them. After him, a white-skinned man with wiry, black hair that looked flat. Burnt. Wearing a white hoodie and a permanent smile carved into his cheeks. The wild stare he gave also suggested he hadn't blinked in ages. Next was a girl with black hair and glimmering blue eyes that faded into a light purple. Wearing an old, white knit sweater. The final figure was a woman with black skin and brown hair. Wearing a tattered, old My Chemical Romance hoodie. Scrape looked over to Whisp and she just nodded. Telling the Nekokin and Kaos to stay around the book, otherwise her friends might go nuts. Kaos just rolled his eyes and sighed, but stood his ground.

Thirty seconds passed until Whisp gave the okay to back up. Scrape exhaled like she had been holding her breath for the entire time. Which she probably had been, seeing as she hadn't said a word. Which was near impossible for her.

"Alright everyone. I know this seems weird, but-"

Before Whisp could continue, the white-skinned man interjected. "Whisp! What the fu-"

"Jeff! Watch your language! We have children around." Whisp hissed, glancing over at Kaos as she said so.

Kaos glared daggers at Whisp, his arms crossed. A disgusted look on his face. Scrape just suppressed a giggle. Whisp rolled her eyes, then turned to the newcomers. Starting to explain a little bit about the situation they were in. As Scrape was listening intently, even though she knew practically everything that was happening, Kaos took to tuning Whisp out completely. He had had enough of her nagging voice for one day. Instead, he took to surveying the new arrivals. He was not thrilled to be forced to work with more of the incessant Poser Master's comrades, but at the same time, he was slightly intrigued by these ones. The one in the white hoodie mostly. Though, the others fascinated him too. They all seemed off in one way or another. And Kaos was beginning to like that fact more and more.

"Anyways. Everyone follow me. There's a lot more people I need to introduce you all too."

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