Chapter 16 ~ Back to Normal

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Shoria smiled sweetly at Stealth, tilting her head to the side slightly. "Of course I'll help! What kind of friend would I be if I didn't?"

Shoria slipped off of her cot and walked over to Stealth's. She grabbed the life elf by her arm and lead her out to the entrance of the Academy. It was a slow process getting there, since Stealth had to limp and Shoria had to keep her from falling flat on her face. Stealth hadn't been kidding. She really was as clumsy as a three-legged sheep at the moment. But they managed. Soon, they were standing on the top of the steps right outside the doors. Shoria scanned the foliage that surrounded the grounds and soon spotted three figures coming towards them. Shoria fought the urge to drop Stealth where they stood and dash over to them, wrapping them in her arms. Trapping them in a tight hug. Instead, she only stared at the humanoid figure. Again, it was too enveloped in the shadows for her to tell who or what it really was, but she could have sworn it was Kaos.

The three were quickly approaching their base of operations. Spyro was relieved when he got close enough to see that less than minimal damage had come to the magnificent Academy. Spyro sped up to a quick trot. Redalox following his example. Kaos stayed at his sprinting pace, not wanting to waste another second of his precious time. He had a plan to continue with. Skeleborg and his little gang of misfit, villain wannabes might have postponed it for a while, but now everything was back to normal... and it wouldn't stay that way for long. Kaos smirked. Sickeningly devilish ideas forming within his twisted mind.

"This is gonna be sweet!" Kaos cackled to himself.

Kaos noticed two figures standing at the top of the stairs, in front of the large double doors that lead into the Academy itself. Stealth and Shoria. He grinned even wider and waved at them enthusiastically. Then, to Spyro and Redalox's alarm, disappeared.

"Hey, Shoria." Kaos said in a sly tone. "Long time no see... kinda."

Shoria jumped into the air slightly, looking over at the wall beside her and the doorway. Kaos leaned against it nonchalantly. His hands inside of the pockets of his cloak. Shoria smiled brightly, her eyes lighting up at the sight of Kaos. He smirked back at her. A wave of reassurance washed over her. So she wasn't going crazy. Kaos was actually alive... or some form of it. He seemed kind of off to her. Shoria shrugged off the cold feeling. She would probably get an answer from Redalox or Spyro soon. As if on cue, Spyro and Redalox ran up the steps.

"Shore! Stealth! You're alright!" Spyro cried, running up to Stealth and nudging her side friendly.

Stealth laughed, then started petting Spyro across the orange spines on his head with one of her gloved hands. Her movements were shaky and slow, but Spyro could tell she was getting better. Redalox stayed back somewhat, his copper, fluffy tail swaying from side to side slowly. Stealth's glowing eyes slowly drifted over to Kaos, then back to Spyro.

"Is Kaos a... a..." She whispered.

"A whisp?" Kaos finished Stealth's sentence for her, "Yes. I am a whisp. How nice of you to notice, Sherlock." Kaos scoffed.

Spyro glared daggers at him. Stealth sighed, rolling her eyes, then perked up again. Changing her gaze back to Redalox and Spyro.

"So, how'd everything go?" She asked the two, "With the battle, I mean. I presume we won?"

"Hell yeah, we won!" Spyro cried, beaming.

"I was tearing up by the end, it was so heart wrenching." Redalox said, a small smile spreading across his snout.

Kaos closed his eyes and continued to smile, folding his arms in front of his chest. He felt a prickle on the back of his neck and opened one eye. He looked over and noticed Shoria staring at him intently. Shoria realized Kaos was looking at her and felt her face turning hot pink. She quickly turned away from Kaos and looked back at the two quadrupeds.

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