~ Update ~

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Hey, Portal Masters!

So, a little update on the whole 'Second Leaf' conundrum. Heh heh... *sigh* We're still having trouble locating the posts we lost on Miiverse. I've been trying to piece things together, but it might be a while until the next chapter shows up. And we were so close to the 30th chapter, too. Darn. Ah well. Until then, I'll be working extra hard on piecing things together from what we still have and, hopefully, we'll be able to get the ones we lost back from the void... in a while. So, just to restate things I've already blatantly explained, we'll be taking a break from this book for  while. Just until we either piece things together or recover the posts. The one flaw with writing from an RP on a website that seems to ban almost everything. For now, I guess I'll give you a tiny sneak peak into what we have planned.

Now, a motivational speech from Meyhem! *WARING! Contains spoilers!*:

Meyhem walked over to Quinn, still shaky and a little disoriented, but getting better.

"You guys do know it's alright to cry." She smiled, "I mean, you're feeling sad. So why are you holding them back? Tears aren't a sign of weakness. That's a common misconception. In reality, they're a sign of strength. A sign that you're strong enough to care."

Meyhem smiled warmly, holding her metal arm awkwardly. Like it was a crime. Quinn listened, shuddering before letting the tears fall from her eyes. Hiccuping and sobbing. Her vision blurring.

"I... I hate crying... it... it always says I'm weak for it... I just... guh. I'm scared. What if... it's right. What if I'm too weak? What if because of that, I get somebody," Quinn paused as a pained sob escaped her clenched teeth, "k- killed...?! W...what... what am I gonna do. If... if I die. I don't wanna die... I don't want to break...!" She wept, eyes shut while tears poured.

Meyhem knelt down beside her, stroking her pale blonde hair with her non-mechanical arm.

"It's alright to cry." She repeated. Her voice soft and comforting. "Being scared just shows you can have the strength to push past it. You're not weak, Quinn. No one is. You've just yet to find the power locked away within you. And, don't try to tell us you don't have any. You do. And we all can see that. How do you think you've been able to live? Push through all the pain and suffering you've had to endure?"

Meyhem glanced over at Kaos, trying his best to stand without falling. Without cringing painfully and toppling back onto the ground. Constantly telling Shade and Angelo that he didn't need their help. That he didn't need their stupid pity, even though he knew he did. Even though he knew he needed their help more than ever right now. Meyhem shifted her gaze back to Quinn.

"You may not believe it, but you're strong. You're powerful. You can be as strong as one of the Benevolent Ancients, or even stronger. You just have to believe in yourself. Believe in your skills. Believe in the people around you. That's the first step. You have to stop denying the power you have within you. You have to admit you're strong."

It seemed like Meyhem had given this speech before, or at least heard it enough to memorize every word down to the letter. Again, she looked over at her brother, a sad tint in the back of her gaze. Full of sorrow and pain. She kept a warm, reassuring smile on, but it was apparent she was forcing it now. She heard Kaos' muffled cry of pain as he tried to choke it down and stand up straight. Angelo tried to help, but he just pushed the sorcerer away. Not letting Angelo close enough to aid him. A small tear trickled down from Meyhem's eye. Followed by another and another. Soon, she was whimpering and weeping like Quinn.

Hope you guys don't have to wait too long for this to continue! We all enjoy doing this RP. I love transforming it into a book for you guys to read. And, I hope you all love reading it as much as I love writing it. Welp, that's all for now. Ciao~!

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