Chapter __ ~ A Fishy Situation

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Quinn felt the blood trickling down the side of her skull, unable to move as her leg was twisted in a agonizing position, dislocated at best. Not that she noticed. The pain and the roars of the crowd had blurred into white noise, ringing in her ears, her vision splattered with splotches of color and swimming pictures of the world around her, her strained gaze unable to focus properly. She had no idea what was going on, barely able to make out the shadowed, blotchy figures racing towards her. She let her eyes slide shut as she felt herself being pulled from the crash, cold hands grasping her by her shoulders as she was yanked from out underneath the dashboard of the car. BEN looked down at Quinn in his arms, Shakai pulling himself free from the damaged vehicle with a few flaps of his wings, soon following after BEN as they met the others half way. BEN ran up to Scrape, Whisp and River.

"Please, help, River!" BEN wailed. "The poor girl's hurt, badly! She needs medical attention, stat!"

River walked up to BEN and took Quinn from his arms, smiling slightly. "Relax, I've got this."

River's eyes glowed with a purple light and the blood simply vanished, leaving no trace it had been there other than the, albeit minor now, wounds that remained. She then handed Quinn back to BEN and had him hold her as she grabbed a roll of gauze from Scrape, who for some reason just had one on hand, as well as some bandages and began patching Quinn up where she could, wrapping the bandages around the gash in her head and making a splint for her leg out of some charred, yet still sturdy, twigs lying beside the track.


It was then Angelo and Mammagma came running up, having gotten the old sorcerer to help with the healing of Quinn's wounds. Soon enough, the gash in her head had been healed, and her dislocated leg set back into place. Still, in the crystal around Shade's neck, Zelcron was chuckling.

"Tis the price to save the world," cooed Zelcron.

Shade stared down at the Traptanium shard angrily. "She's not going to die, alright?!"

Slowly, Quinn's eyes fluttered open. Her vision still swam, like the surface of a lake when a stone skips across it, but she could make out BEN's silhouette leaning over her, holding her in his arms. Once her vision cleared enough to see more of his main features, Quinn began to panic in a sense, squirming in his grasp. BEN's small smile faded at this, a look of confusion soon replacing it, not quite knowing what was wrong. The others didn't seem to know either, all returning his confused glances. It was then BEN noticed something different about Quinn. All over her skin were creases and lines; they looked like wood grain almost, most prominent around her joints and along her cheek.

"Quinn's going to be okay, right?"

River looked up and over at Scrape, whose tail was swaying side to side nervously. Kaos stood beside her, his arms crossed and expression one of boredom. Clearly, he was itching to get back to racing, although he did seem to have a twinge of worry in his gaze, glancing over at Quinn in BEN's arms.

"Quinn will be fine." River spoke up for the unusually silent BEN. "She just needs rest and proper medicine. Give it time. Unless Angelo can fix this all with a snap of his fingers, we'll need to wait."

Whisp sighed. "If you say so, River. You're the healer here after all."

River nodded and turned her attention back to Quinn and BEN, who had managed to calm the Creator down, holding her close. River laid a hand on BEN's shoulder, who looked up from the girl in his arms. By the looks of it, BEN was crying, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes.

"It'll be okay," River said soothingly to him, "just give it time. She'll be fine."

BEN seemed to barely hear her, looking back down at Quinn in his arms, who had fallen still, sorrow piercing his black eyes. Scrape hung her head as Kaos looked away, her tail drooping to the ground like a limp spaghetti noodle covered in fur. Her ear tilted down in sadness.

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