Chapter __ ~ Two Thirds of the Way There

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Jeff raised his knife as the wolves launched forward, beginning to stab and slash at the ones that got close. BEN began to glitch as he pulled out his sword, shouting a battle cry as he spun through the wolves. River's eyes turned purple and her hands glowed the same hue. EJ pulled out two scalpels, Kadence summoned her scythe, and Masky, Hoodie and Toby each took out their respectable weapons. Each taking on wolves of their own. Tentacles spread from Slenderman's back, and Whisp's microphone cords floated about as they began fighting back. Lucarian drew a sword he had bought one time at a beach; unfortunately, it was mostly for show and he had never used it for actual combat. But now was a better time than any to try it out. Mammagma fired several Magma Missiles at the platforms the wolves were crossing over, hoping to slow them down, and Metaltaur fired at the wolves themselves. Some wolves got hit, but they were fast. Dodging with inhuman speed as they continued to cross. Scrape hissed, unsheathing her claws. Kaos got into an attack position, the air growing cold and dark around him. A smirk spread across his face. Finally, some real action.

The battle had only started a few minutes before, but it was already clear who had the upper hand. Masky, BEN and Jeff dashed at some wolves, jumping up and slicing some of their throats. Hoodie went around bashing in the wolves' heads, and Toby took to amputating. EJ sliced at the stomachs of the unarmored ones, making sure to not to damage the kidneys. (He'd harvest those later). River paralyzed the wolves with her magic, leaving Whisp to make their heads explode or Kadence to hack them up with her beloved scythe. Angelo was healing wounds off to the side with his magic, quite disturbed with how the Creepypastas were taking care of the werewolves. He looked over to see one lunging at him, but he threw up a quick barrier that the wolf bounced off of, right onto Shade's Shadow Saber. Lucarian did his best to block the claws and blades of the wolves, and was doing surprisingly well, but his sword was taking quite a beating. Scrape launched herself at the werewolves, hacking and slashing with her claws like there was no tomorrow; her animal instincts kicking into high gear. A few of the wolves thought it would be best to take on the smallest person in the group, thinking he would be the weakest link. Their minds quickly changed. Two of the wolves rushed at Kaos, but as soon as they got close, the Dark Portal Master had disappeared.

"Looking for me?" Kaos asked slyly.

The wolves whirled around and were met by two blades of Petrified Darkness slicing straight through their chests. Kaos cackled as the wolves fell to the ground, bleeding out. The blades reappearing in his hands as he darted off to go end some more overgrown puppy dogs. Soon enough, most of the wolves had fallen. The few remaining running away with their tails between their legs. Yelping for mercy. Jeff laughed maniacally as he looked over at Kaos. All former hostility towards him gone.

"You really are good with those knives." He said as he patted Kaos on the shoulder with a bloodstained hand.

Jeff's hoodie was now stained in fresh blood. His face and knife splattered in it as well. He didn't bother wiping it off; to him, the more blood the better. In fact, every one of the Creepypastas had at least a little blood on them. Just goes to show their lust for it. Kaos laughed, the blades in his hands disappearing. Wiping the blood off that had splattered across his face.

"Yikes. I went a little overboard with the kills again, didn't I?" He snickered.

Scrape nodded. The look on her face solemn. "I think we all did. Gods, I'm not used to fighting creatures with blood that's actually red..."

Quinn cowered in the corner, her hands pressed against her ears to drown out the fighting. Tears streaming from her eyes.


Everyone looked over at her. Shakai flew over to her and held her close, trying to comfort her. Shakai didn't know why Quinn was breaking down like this. He tried to soothe her to the best of his ability, but it only seemed to make things worse. He felt almost guilty that she was so upset, even though he had nothing to do with it. BEN wiped the blood off of him as he rushed to Quinn's side.

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