Chapter 25 ~ Plans of Sabotage

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"Okay, class. You have ten minutes to finish if you haven't already. Get to it." Stealth said in a strict tone, then glanced over at her desk, "Which would be mostly all of you, then."

The classroom erupted into chaos. Students running this way and that in a frenzied panic. A sense of impending terror loomed throughout the room, as it turned out most of the trainees had been chatting with their teammates rather than working on the assignment. A few hadn't even bothered to grab supplies yet. Kaos shook his head, smirking.

Silly little Skyloser trainees... He thought to himself.

Shoria looked around at her frantic classmates. She knew she should feel sorry for them, and she did somewhat, but they deserved this. After how they had treated her, they deserved this steadily approaching deadline casting fear throughout their ranks. She looked over at Stealth. Shoria could tell the life elf was smiling underneath her scarf. Shoria bowed slightly to the teacher as a sign of thanks. Stealth nodded back. Shoria knew this was pushing it, but she couldn't help herself. It was perfect.

"You guys better hurry up - even the newbie's ahead of you by a longshot!" She called. Everyone froze like ice statues, then sped back to work a few seconds after.

Shoria giggled to herself and walked back to her desk as this statement sunk into the rest of the class. Trepidation exploded to life a few seconds after. Everyone racing around to get things done. Students tripping and falling over each other in the process. Knocking heads and crashing to the floor.

"Who's laughing now, eh?" Kaos cackled to himself as he watched the madness unfold. "Oh, poor them. Even the- HEY! Shoria! Really? Newbie?! Just because I'm new at this whole 'goody-two-shoes' game doesn't mean I'm TOTALLY lost when it comes to being the hero! Besides, we already established I'm MUCH better than them. Putting them up against me would be like dropping a mouse in a rat trap."

Kaos couldn't help but laugh a little despite Shoria calling him a noob. Shoria sat down in her seat and smiled brightly, giggling. Class had been going pretty well since Kaos had stood up for her after the spill she had taken. And it seemed it would continue going smoothly until the bell.

"Heheh, I'm not that stupid, Kaos. Just because you know it doesn't mean you have to explain it to me." Shoria held her hand up in the air, waiting for a high-five. "At least we're the first two to finish!"

Kaos reached to high-five her, but Shoria ended up having to lower her hand so Kaos could reach it without making a total fool of himself.

"Yeah. At least. You may have been the first to put it up on the desk for all to see, but I was the first to ACTUALLY COMPLETE my structure! So, I win!" Kaos sneered.

"Hey, that's only because you used magic! No fair! I was the first to actually PLAY BY THE RULES! Cheater!" Shoria laughed nonetheless, as well as Kaos; the two noticing only a few more structures were up on the front desk.

"It's not cheating! It's... um... using my abilities to my advantage! Yeah!" Kaos said, his voice shaking slightly. A sheepish look on his face as he tried to convince Shoria he had not been cheating.

Shoria just giggled and patted Kaos on the back before turning to face the front of the classroom once more. Kaos rolled his eyes, then sighed and started fiddling with a small chunk of petrified Darkness he had summoned for no apparent reason. Staring blankly up at the front desk as a few more students made their ways up. Setting their projects down. None of them looked as good as Shoria's or Kaos' due to the factor or being rushed. Kaos smirked, twirling the shard on the tip of his finger, then catching it in the palm of his hand. All he had to do was wait now.

All was silent within Kaos' room. The dim torches flickered silently as the dense, dark shadows danced across the walls, floor and anything else they could reach which rested within the dorm. The black curtains, that seemed to be made of shadows themselves, around the bed rustled in a faint breeze that drifted through the crack in the window. Without warning, a tall, cloaked figure floated up through the floor and gazed around at its newfound surroundings. Krattix turned and held up his hand, trying to find the item Kaos had used to communicate with his henchman. Yes. Shade hadn't been the only one watching that conversation. Krattix had found it quite... intriguing, to put it lightly. Krattix lowered his hand after a minute or so and glided over to the small bedside table. He opened the top drawer and pulled out a rectangular piece of metal that resembled a remote of sorts. A small, dark green screen covered in a grid of an even darker shade of vert was set into the top of the metal rectangle, followed by a jumble of buttons and dials. Krattix smiled devilishly. Satisfied, Krattix shifted into a smaller, balder, figure and hit the button. The screen at the top glowed to life.

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