Chapter 18 ~ Evidence

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Shoria let out a long, sleepy groan, yawning at the same time as her eyes fluttered open. Her head ached with a throbbing, numb pain from the injury that she didn't know had happened. Instinctively, Shoria's hand moved up to her forehead, but all her webbed fingers felt was smooth skin. Shoria sighed, deciding she had just had a bad dream and contracted a headache from that. Suddenly, Shoria felt the sheets at the bottom of her feet start to ruffle and move and something turned over in its sleep. Shoria sat up and saw Kaos, lying at the foot of her bed. He mumbled something in his sleep, yawned, then rolled onto his back. His hand brushing against Shoria's foot. Shoria blushed furiously. What was he doing here? She wasn't angry or mad that Kaos was here. A little weirded out, yes, but was filled with a sense of reassurance at the same time. She smiled down at Kaos, who seemed so content in his sleep, then realized he was lying quite close to a splotch of blue blood that was still wet. Shoria tilted her head to the side, but didn't give herself much time to wonder how the blood had gotten there. She would just clean it up later. Shoria hurried to magic up a miniature bed comprised of water for Kaos. She would have carried him back to his room, but if anyone was awake at this hour and saw them, rumors would spread around the school like wildfire. Shoria quietly slipped out of bed, then cautiously picked Kaos up in her arms. Careful not to wake him from his slumber. Shoria then placed him down on top of the spare bed and pulled the covers up around him. Sleepily, she crawled back into her own bed, yanked the covers over herself, and drifted back off to sleep. Hoping to receive a better dream than before. Or none at all, even. Kaos yawned, stretched out; then curled back up into a little ball and smiled. He seemed to be enjoying a particularly enjoyable dream. He hadn't seemed to realized he had been moved. He just continued to sleep. Oblivious to the real world around him.

Shade had been sitting outside Shoria's door, back pressed up against the doorframe, for a while now. He had seen Kaos enter, but never exit,and curiosity had gotten the better of him. He had peered inside and saw Kaos using a healing spell on Shoria. What had happened to her? For once, he was happy that Kaos was there to save her. More was going on than he thought. He now waited outside Shoria's door for Kaos to leave and return to his room. That time never came. About thirty minutes passed before Shade finally got to his feet in a huff. Giving up the hunt for the night. He trudged down the hallway, lost in his thoughts. He was gonna go train. That always helped clear his mind. Shade walked down multiple corridors before returning to his room. He slipped through the small opening at the bottom of the door and found himself back in safe, familiar surroundings. Shade's room was bare and almost empty. Only filled with what he needed for the school year and a few things for training. A small desk, neatly lined with his supplies and papers, was pushed into the corner of the room. A training dummy rested in the corner diagonally across from the desk. The right wall was lined with hooks and shelves meant to hold weapons of all types, shapes and sizes. There were no torches lining the other grey, barren walls. The only light was the faint, silver moonlight filtering in through the large window set into the far wall. He had a small, single person bed, even though he didn't need to sleep. His room was nothing extravagant. But he didn't need it to be. It only needed to be able to house him and tend to his needs. Shade slipped off his trench coat, fedora and scarf, throwing them onto his bed in a heap as he walked over to the training dummy and hauled it out into the middle of the room. Shade stood directly across from the dummy, hunched down in an attack position. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes. He felt energy rushing through him as he absorbed the shadows around him. In turn, making the darkness only grow more dense. Shade sighed in relaxation, forgetting about the dummy for a few seconds to think things over. Nighttime was the only time he could be at full power. The light... hurt him. Shade admitted that. That was the only reason why he wore those clothes. That, and admittedly, it made him look and seem MUCH cooler. Still, it was nice to finally embrace the darkness once more. After all, that was his roots. Where he had come from.

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