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   Please, don’t hurt me anymore. I know I’m an easy target because all I want to do is find Love. But every guy I trust anymore has just come to prove that I never should of. I know I should probably want to take a lot of this back. But I don’t. It only makes me stronger. But all I do is just trust again, thinking they’re different. But I just end up even more hurt than the last. It’s to the point where I rather be stabbed than hurt again. I don’t know if I should just give up and never trust another guy, or what. But that sounds pretty good right now. I always get lied to anymore. Not like anything else is any better, but still. It probably started to get pathetic when I started leaving toilet paper and a trash can in my room, didn’t it?? I feel so sick. So hurt. So confused. So much like I’m just a tool with a sexy handle…. That’s all guys want from me, anyways. No one cares about anything else. I can’t handle this much more. I can’t handle much more of anything…..  Goodbye

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