"I'm Getting Married."

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Hey guys! This is my first story on wattpad so be nice. Just kidding! I appreciate all comments nice or bad as they'll help me improve my writing and it's nice to know what others think of my work, as long as they're not rude. I hope you like. Don't forget to leave a comment!



I'm staring into deep pools of blue. They're a shade of blue I hadn't known existed until now. My lungs seem to have stopped working along with every other organ inside my body including my brain. The corners of his lips twitch and stretch up into a smile. It's infectious and makes my insides melt into a pool of goo. I find myself smiling too. His face seems to be getting closer. I try to take a step backwards but my feet stay glued to the ground.


His warm breath spreads warmth through my veins as it fans gently across my face, caressing it. I swallow. My throat feels dry and constricted as if I'm dehydrated. I can see the flecks of green amidst those pools of blue and the tiny brown freckles that stain the tanned skin of his nose and cheeks. His nose grazes mine which sends a series of tingles through my skin. His lips are so close to mine I can almost taste them. I close my eyes and wait. I wait for his lips to graze mine, to caress them but nothing happens.

I open my eyes again and he's no longer there. Darkness begins to overwhlem me. Oxygen returns to my lungs but I still can't breathe. I want to scream but no sound comes out. Tears fill my eyes but they never fall.

I wake up with a gasp, my lungs struggling to take in enough oxygen. Beads of sweat cover my forehead and back and tears have pooled in my eyes.

"It's just a dream." I tell myself as I wipe the sweat off my forehead. "Just a dream..." I repeat until my breathing returns back to normal and my galloping heart starts beating at a normal pace.

My phone begins to vibrate on my bedside table which has my heart galloping again. I reach over and retrieve it. I squint as I try to read the name on the screen but my vision is blurry due to the tears in my eyes and the fact that I'm still half asleep. I decide to answer it anyway.

"What?" I mumble into the phone whilst rubbing the sleep out of my eyes with my spare hand.


I'm wide awake upon hearing his voice. My heart begins to slam into my rib cage so hard I swear it's going to break something.

"Drew." I breath out, well more like croak out, his name. You can't expect to have a velvety smooth voice when you've just woken up unless you're Drew. Don't get me started on how sexy his voice is when he's just woken up. I could go on for hours.

"I-I... Uhm... W-Well... You..." He mumbles incoherently into the phone. Hearing him sound so nervous makes me smile. He was always this nervous when he wanted to ask or say something serious. For instance when he asked me out during sophomore year. Nervous would be an understatement to describe how he was that day.

"Breathe." I say in a soothing voice. A few seconds later I hear him take a deep breath and let it out.

"Sorry." I can almost feel his cheeks turn a deep shade of red through the phone. This makes the smile on my face widen.

"It's ok. Just take your time." I lean back onto my pillows which slowly slump under my weight. There's a few moments of comfortable silence before he speaks again.

"I'm getting married." He blurts out. My heart sinks to the pit of my stomach and my breath hitches in my throat. I freeze. My phone slips out of my hand and lands on the mattress beside my thigh. My brain refuses to process what he's just said.

"Ella?" His voice snaps me out of my frozen state. I grab the phone from beside my thigh and press it against my ear again.

"You're... You're getting married?" My voice comes out a mere whisper. Tears prick the back of my eyes and my heart begins to swell with nostalgia.

"Yea." I hear him take another deep breath, it wavers as he lets it out. "I'm scared. I need you." His voice cracks. It portrays a mixture of emotions I'm able to identify almost immediately; fear, anxiety and a hint of sadness.

"Of what?" My forehead creases into a frown. Aren't you supposed to sound happy or atleast enthusiastic about getting married?

"I don't know... I just... I need you here. Please." The desparation in his voice tugs on my heart strings. I take a deep breath and hope that I won't regret what I'm about to do. Deep down, I know I will.

"Ok. I'll be there ASAP." I close my eyes and concentrate on not letting the tears in my eyes fall.

"Thank you. I can't wait to see you." The emotion in his voice changes. He no longer sounds like a scared little boy. He sounds happy and somewhat relieved that I complied to his unspoken desire.

"Me too." I mumble as the dull ache in the back of my head begins to get more intense. I reach up and rub soothing circles on my temple with my spare hand.

"Love you Ella!" He speaks enthusiastically into the phone. I can't help but notice that he sounds more enthusiastic than he did when he told me the big news.

"Love you too Drew." I force my voice to sound just as enthusiastic as his. The dial tone goes off a few seconds later letting me know that he hung up. I remove the phone from my ear and throw it on the mattress again.

I roll over and bury my face into the pillow. I scream into it, letting out all of the emotions overwhelming me. Then it begins to sink in.

He's getting married.

My former best friend is getting married.

The love of my life is getting married.

To someone else.

That's not me.

The tears in my eyes begin to fall, one by one, onto the pillow. The lump in my throat makes my head throb painfully. Marriage has been something I dreamed about since I was a little girl and he was always the one I saw waiting for me at the altar. The idea of someone else taking my place as his bride never crossed my mind because it was never been a possibility. Now, it's happening and what I deemed to be the worst thing that could ever happen has become a reality.

Another has taken my place.


The chapter's short I know but I promise that they'll keep getting longer. I have more characters to introduce and a lot more ideas so keep reading! and don't forget to comment!

*puts on best puppy dog face*

Pwetty pweeeeeeeeeeease!

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