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I didn't take as long to update this time, yay! I actually started writing this during class simply because those creative juices started running through my veins. Hehe. Anyhow, I hope you like it!


"How could you?"

The matching grins on their faces, that I'm tempted to wipe off with my fist, don't falter as I glare holes into their skulls with my eyes. Guilt flashes through his bright blue eyes so fast I'm questioning whether it actually did. Her golden brown eyes, however, are void of any emotion. I'm more than certain that the grin she's sporting on her face is simply just a mask to cover up what she's feeling. She knows it too.

"Did you really think that I'd be ok with you marrying her?" I question Drew who's insulting happy facial expression doesn't falter. Neither of them move a muscle nor make any effort to answer my questions. He should know better than anyone else that I hate, actually loathe, not being answered to. He should know how much it pisses me off yet he's doing it right now. "Out of all the women in the world you could've chosen to marry you had to choose her?!" My voice rises slightly which attracts the attention of the few guests scattered around the lobby.

"I actually thought you'd accept-"

"She's my sister!" I all but shout at him incrediously, interrupting him mid-sentence. He winces noteably at the sound of my voice. "My baby sister!"

"You're not the only one who can be with Drew with you know." Katy addresses me for the first time since she graced me with her presence. Note the sarcasm.

"And you're not the only one he can get married to." I retort. She shoots me a glare so fierce the devil himself would cower away if he saw it.

"But she is the only one I want to get married to." Her oh-so-charming fiancé chimes in. I'm not going to lie and say that his words didn't sting because they did.

"It sure didn't sound like it when you called me three days ago and practically begged me to come here." The satisfied smirk on Katy's face falters at my statement. If she weren't my baby sister I would've wiped that stupid satisfied smirk right off her face with my fist the moment it appeared.

"I chose her over you. Get over it." Wow. Who knew that the sweet, thoughtful, caring boy I fell in love with when I was 8 could be such an asshole?

"I'm going to leave before I do something stupid." I grab the handles of both my bags and wheel them with me to the elevator. Luckily for me, the two metal doors open just as I come to a stop in front of it. I step inside and let my back rest against the far wall. I lean backwards so the back of my head comes in contact with the wall too. The tears that had been battling to escape my tear ducts begin cascading down my cheeks the moment the doors of this stuffy elevator close.

How could he have the audacity to even consider the remote idea that I would be ok with him marrying my sister? That I would accept it so easily after everything that happened between us? It sounds absurd even when I think about it. I mean, come on! We were together for three years! Three damn years. I wouldn't be ok with him marrying any woman, as good of a woman as she may be. Why the hell would I be ok with him marrying my sister? The sister that stalked me, took a picture of me with Drew, photoshopped it to make it look like I was making out with someone else and then purposely sent it to my phone because she knew damn well that he would see it. Something must've gotten into Drew's head and shrunk his brain to the size of pea. Oh... my bad, I meant someone; because we all know that it was Katy.

I wonder if dad's little soldiers were defective when Katy was concieved. Because an honourable man like my father would never produce rancid off spring like her.

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