Curiosity Killed The Cat

416 19 2

Happy New Year guys!! Hopefully this chapter will be a good start to 2015!



I slept with a goofy smile on my face last night. I can't seem to stop smiling like an idiot. Not after the absolutely amazing time I had with Drew yesterday. I even slept with his letterman jacket, not on me but over me like a blanket. Logan has been teasing me relentlessly about it but I could honestly care less. Yep, I am so hung up on Drew it's ridiculous.

And because I'm still swooning over yesterday's events I don't question Logan when he states that I should head down to the lobby and wait for him because he has to 'take care' of something 'important'. So now I'm standing alone in the lobby with a goofy grin on my face waiting for Logan to appear.

"Hey beautiful..." I bite back a gasp as two strong arms snake around my waist pulling me back into a warm chest. His voice together with his warm breath that fans across the exposed skin around my neck sends shivers down my spine. The good kind. I turn around to face the culprit.

"Drew..." My voice comes out quieter than I had intended it too.

"I literally ran down the stairs so I could get here before Katy and Logan." He says somewhat breathlessly.

"How did you know I'd be here?" I say. He smiles sheepishly.

"I over heard Logan suggesting you wait for him down here." He explains. I giggle and shake my head at him disapprovingly.

"I've missed you like crazy." He states.

"We saw each other yesterday." I retort. Wow. Talk about déjà vu.

"Being away from you, even if it's only for 30 seconds, feels like a lifetime to me." He says. I laugh softly. That all dimples toothy smile that melts my insides forms on his face. My eyes widen as Katy's petite frame comes into view. I panic and do the first thing that comes to mind; I wrap my arms around Drew's neck and pull him into a hug. He instantly hugs me back, tightening his grip around me.

"What's going on?" Katy asks suspiciously as she approaches us. She eyes us accusingly. I feel Drew stiffen upon hearing her voice.

"Can't a woman give her future brother in law a hug?" I ask her.

"Not if her future brother in law is her ex boyfriend." She states. Grrrr... I detach myself from him and step back putting distance between us.

"You should've thought of that before you dug your claws into him." I retort.

"Hey!" Logan swoops in before Katy has the chance to respond. He looks down at me, that gorgeous smile I've only seen him wear around me, on his face.

"Heyy..." I greet him with a smile. He leans in and captures my lips in a short but sweet kiss. Wow. Since when do we greet each other with a kiss?

I look up at him stunned by his action.

"Do I need to be worried about the fact that you were with my fiancée again?" Drew asks Logan who's still looking down at me. We both turn to look at Drew; Katy is now clinging to his side like spider-man to a wall. I instantly notice the jealousy dancing in his eyes.

"I would rather have my balls chopped off than be involved with her in any way, shape or form." Logan states firmly. I can't refrain from laughing at that. "Besides, leaving Ellie for Katy would be like choosing crap over candy. No offense." Katy glares visciously at Logan, outraged by the comparison he just made. Drew's eyes darken with anger. "Wait... You did. Oops." He says tauntingly. Drew is seconds away from lunging forwards and kicking Logan's ass.

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