Human Sized Barbie Doll

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I'm already working on the next chapter so I'll be updating quicker. Hope you enjoy!


"That's it! You're doing great." The delivery nurse tells her. Beads of cold sweat roll down her forehead. Her face contorts in pain and she cries out as another contraction comes.

"I'm here baby..." He kisses her hand and then her forehead. "I'm here..." He repeats. She cries out in pain again.

"Okay, one more push and the baby's out." The delivery nurse tells her. She cries out again and tightens her grip on his hand as she gives one last push. The room is filled with the sweet tender sound of a baby's cry. She smiles. He smiles. "It's a girl!" The nurse wraps the baby up in a hospital blanket and places her in her mommy's arms. She begins crying. He begins crying.

"Our baby..." He whispers as he strokes the baby's tiny wrinkled hands. She looks up at him and he leans in and kisses her tenderly. "I love you Katy." He says. His face is glowing with happiness as he looks into her honey brown eyes.

"I love you too Drew." She says in return. Her face is glowing with happiness as she looks into his electric blue eyes, the same blue eyes I fell in love with as a child, the same blue eyes their little girl has.


An almost inaudible gasp escapes my lips as I'm pulled out of my reverie and back into reality.

"You're crying..."

I reach up towards my cheeks. The tips of my fingers become moist as they graze my skin. I'm crying...

"Are you okay?"

A fresh batch of tears flood my eyes as the image of him and Katy smiling down at their baby re-appears in my mind.

"What's wrong?"

Hot tear, after hot tear cascade down my cheeks as I look into his eyes. Those electric blue eyes that captured my heart as a child, that I always imagined my future babies to have, that their future children will have.

"Come here..." He pulls me into his warm embrace. The mixture of his scent and body warmth make me cry harder. "I'm here Ella..." He whispers as he strokes my hair. "I'm here..." He repeats. I tighten my grip around him; how I wish I didn't have to let go.

Minutes that seem like seconds pass by of me blubbering like a baby into his chest and him rubbing soothing circles into my back and placing gentle soothing kisses atop my head. Soon my inconsolable blubbering turns into child like sniffles. At this point Drew pulls back only to cup my cheeks with his smooth warm hands. He wipes moisture away from my cheeks with the tips of his thumbs.

"What got you so upset Ella?" He says, loud enough for only him and I to hear.

"The image of you and Katy with a baby. A baby with the most gorgeous blue eyes I have ever seen." I croak out weakly. A torrent of emotion floods his eyes. "Drew, the idea of you forming a family with Katy, the family I always pictured us forming, tortures me."

"No. That's not going to happen." He says. I frown, confused by his statement. "I'm not going to lose it with her." He states. "I'm not going to have a baby with her."

"Drew." I place my hands over his on my cheeks. Flames errupt over my skin as it comes in contact with his. "You're getting married to her and she may be a bitch but I'm sure she wants kids as much as I do so you're going to have to sleep with her." He shakes his head. "She needs your little soldiers." I add on in a futile attempt to lighten up the mood. He remains unfazed.

"But that's not how it's supposed to happen. I'm not supposed to lose it with her, I'm supposed to lose it with you." He tells me.

"You should've thought of that before you proposed to her." Hurt floods his eyes at my words. I gently remove his hands from my cheeks before walking past him towards the door. I'm right in front of the door when I realize that something's not quite right. I stop and turn around to face him. "Why are you in my suite?"

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