A Day in Paradise - Part. 1

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A shout out goes to GemmaHendrickson for helping me out with this chapter. Couldn't have gotten those creative juices flowing without ya!

Anyhoo, here's part one of Drella's day in paradise ;-)



There he is, standing before me. Hands concealed within his pockets, gorgoeus blue eyes burning into mine. To be honest, I excpected to see the green-eyed pest that is my bff not the blue-eyed beauty that, as much as I hate to admit it, owns my heart. Last night, after our 'double date', which should be crowned the most awkward dinner/double date in the entire world, Logan practically dragged me up to our suite because he was, and I quote, as tired as Katy's attempts to insult me. This morning I woke up to find that the only thing beside me were crumpled sheets and a discarded white v-neck. Where he could've possibly gone is beyond me. Yes, you read right. Logan and I sleep in the same bed, we don't exactly have much of a choice although I attempted to convince, or rather force him, to sleep on the couch but he refused. I refused to let him sleep on the bed with me but once he pulled that adorable puppy dog face I caved in. What? I'm weak when it comes to puppy dog faces. Sue me! I let him sleep on the bed with me under the threat of clawing his balls off if he tried any funny business on me.

"Hi." He smiles nervously. I suddenly feel self-conscious as he lets his eyes roam freely down my body. Thank God I showered and got dressed early. I take the opportunity to let my eyes roam freely around his body. That navy blue shirt that he's sporting not only fits his impeccably chiselled torso perfectly but makes his eyes look impossibly bluer and those pants... Let's just say that, that darkwash material fits him in all the right places. Did his butt get bigger over the past six years or is it just me?

"Hey." I return his smile. It's not forced or fake, it's a genuine smile. His smile is contagious even if it's a nervous smile. "Uhm... I'm kind of... surprised to see you." I say truthfully.

"Can I come in?" He looks to his left and then to his right. Kind of like a criminal who's about to commit a felony. I raise an eye brow, questioning him silently. "I may or may not have escaped whilst Katy was still sleeping. If she finds out my ball sack will most likely pay the consequences. Especially if she finds out I escaped to see you." I giggle and step aside, opening the door wider in the process. He steps inside then stops and turns around to face me. "Wait a minute, is Logan here?"

"Did you seriously think I would've let you in if he was?" He releases a sigh of relief.

"Thank God. I don't want him to think that there's something going on between us." He walks over to the couch and makes himself comfortable on it. I join him but regret it almost immediately. I end up sitting so close to him our thighs and knees brush together, and if I move my arm it'll brush his too.

"Drew, he knows everything." I ignore the way my heart races every time our legs brush and concentrate on looking into his eyes rather than at his soft, tempting rosy lips. "He knows that you and I dated, and he also knows that I would never cheat on him." I don't fail to notice the way hurt flashes through his eyes at my words. My eyes widen. "Oh God, I didn't mean it like that! I just..." I groan and cover my face with my hands but promptly uncover it again. "I completely lose my ability to think before I speak when I'm around you and being this close to you makes it worse." My eyes widen and I cover my face once again only this time it's to hide my raging red cheeks. I hear him chuckle beside me.

"I still make you nervous?" His voice is laced with amusement, surprise and a hint of curiosity.

"Uhh..." I scoff. "Psh! No!" He gives me the look. Damn him and his ability to see right through me. "Fine. Maybe just a teeny tiny itty bitty bit." I make a pinching motion with my index finger and thumb to emphasize my statement. He chuckles again and takes my hand, the one I'm using to pinch thin air, into his. I look down at our conjoined hands. His hand is visibly larger than mine but they fit perfectly together and it feels so soft against mine. I wonder if he felt the shock of electricity I felt when his hand touched mine.

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