The Fake Boyfriend Zone

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I know. I know. I promised to update sooner but I gave up using my iPad and all the apps in it for lent. Unfortunately that included wattpad so I haven't been able to update. That and because I've been super busy completing final assignments for college. So glad that's over! Hopefully this new chapter will compensate hehe.

Here goes.... Enjoy!!!


'Because I'm happy

Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof

Because I'm happy

Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth

Because I'm happy

Clap along if you know what happiness is to you

Because I'm happy

Clap along if you feel li-'

I slap my hand over what I think is my iPhone. In my half-asleep state I can barely remember where I put it. It's on the night table besides the bed. I think. I press the home button and the screen comes to life. I squint in an attempt to make my blurred vision clearer.


I managed to book a last minute flight yesterday. On the plane as we speak. My butt feels numb. Pick me up in 2 hours. Wuv ya! Xxxx

BTW it's terminal 3

I shift my gaze to the large white numbers on the screen that indicate the time.


I groan and let myself fall back onto my bed. That man is going to be the death of me. I swear. With a huff I kick the comforter away from my body. The cool morning breeze within the room bites at my skin sending shivers down my spine. I reluctantly haul myself off the bed and trudge across the room to the ensuite that is almost the same size as the bedroom. I almost scream out in terror when my eyes land on my reflexion in the bathroom mirror. My hair is a tangled mess atop my head that resembles a badly devised bird's nest, my eyeliner seems to have transformed into a smudged black ring around my eyes over night and my pyjamas look like they've been mauled by a cow's molars. In other words, I look like the epitome of hell.

I grab my purple toothbrush from the ceramic pot next to the sink and the toothpaste. After squirting toothpaste on the bristles of my toothbrush I proceed to visciously attack my teeth with it. I don't know if you've figured it out, but I am not a morning person. Never have been, never will be. Once I've finished brushing, or rather, attacking my teeth I walk over to the shower and get the water running. I wriggle out of my cami then step out of my shorts and panties before stepping into the shower.

One hour, 35 minutes and 42 seconds later I'm washed, dressed and hungry as a lion. The delicious aroma that is wafting into my nostrils from the bacon and eggs I ordered through room service is sending my stomach into a frenzy. I plop down at the table and begin devouring my breakfast. Once my plate shows no signs of bacon or eggs I grab my purse along with my iPhone and head out en route to the airport.

Restrooms... Car park... Departures... Aha!

I grin and turn to the left where the arrivals lounge is according to the sign that is like 8 feet above my 5ft 4 frame. I instantly begin scanning the crowded room for a spot closest to the open doors where the green-eyed pest I call my best friend should be appearing in a few minutes time. I manage to find a spot right next to the metal barriers that are aligning the area around the wide set of double doors. My eyes begin scrutinize each person that makes an appearance through those doors until I see a familiar mop of brown hair. I grin and run towards him.

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