In The Eyes Of A Man Whore

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I have a special treat for you guys; this chapter will be in Logan's point of view. For those of you who have been wondering how Logan views the whole Draty situation, what he thinks of the kiss and what he and Katy did during the six hours they were together, this is it.

BTW this chapter won't end at the same point the previous one, written in Ella's POV, ended, it'll continue a little further. You'll understand once you get there. 😊



I'm absolutely lost in my own world. My mind is back at the concert in the fair yesterday night. The moment my lips met Ellie's replays in my head over and over again as if I had sat on an invisible remote and my butt was pressing the rewind and play buttons at the same time.

I'm not going to deny that I had thought about kissing her before yesterday. I mean, she's like the perfect woman. She has a perfect figure, smooth tanned skin, these enchanting chocolate brown eyes, an extremely adorable laugh, is incredibly talented, has the ability to make a man act like a five year old around her, has luscious brown locks that I desperately want to run my hands through and is the most amazing friend I've ever had. A guy would have to either be stupid or gay to not like her.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not secretly in love with her or anything. Although, I will admit that I had a huge crush on her when we first met. But I got over it.

I don't understand why she's so hung up on that asshole. Yes she's known him her whole life, yes they were childhood sweethearts, I get it. What I don't get is why you would treat your childhood sweetheart the way he treats her. Why you would let an obnoxious heartless little bitch like Katy treat your childhood sweetheart like trash.

They're both so cruel to her and yet she's still hopelessly in love with him. It's ridiculous. When she told me he was marrying her sister I couldn't believe it. I actually thought she was kidding at first. It sounded so screwed up. I just wanted to reach through the phone and kick his ass. So when she told him I was her boyfriend I knew I couldn't deny helping her out. I have to say I don't regret agreeing to be her fake boyfriend. Torturing that asshole with the fact that I have what was once his has been fun.

Today neither of us felt like having breakfast in our suite so we decided to come down to the restaurant. I'm so glad everything has been pre-paid for because this restaurant is beyond expensive. The bacon and eggs I'm currently devouring costs $30 dollars. Who charges that much for bacon and eggs? It's not like they're feeding the pigs they slaughter gold or something.

I've already chowed down half my breakfast. Ellie however, is too engulfed in her own thoughts to continue eating. Her breakfast is almost untouched.

"Earth to Ellie!" I coo in an attempt to gain her attention. She instantly snaps out of the reverie she was in.

"What?" She says, feigning innocence.

"Your eggs are getting cold." I tell her.

She picks up her knife and fork and resumes eating her breakfast.

"Mmm..." She says as she savours it.

"So what were you day dreaming about?" I ask before placing another forkul of egg and bacon into my mouth.

"I wasn't day dreaming." She instantly rebukes my question. "I was simply looking back on the kiss."

"Drew finally kissed you?" I exclaim, after swallowing my food, feigning surprise. I know that she's referring to the kiss I gave her but I decide to play with her.

"No dumbass. I was referring to our kiss." She gestures between herself and I. I find myself smiling as it replays for the nth time in my head.

"Ohh..." I say absentmindedly. "It was nice."

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