Eating Cake With The Enemy

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Franco's Bakery


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K & D

You have got to be kidding me right now.

She's marrying the love of my life yet that isn't torturous enough. No. She has to ask me to participate in her and Drew's pre-wedding preparations. Does she not see how much she's hurting me solely by being with him?

"What has that poor post-it note ever done to you?" Logan asks as he stalks past me towards the living room.

"What are you talking about?" I question as I follow him to the large suede couch in the living room. It's the same couch Drew and I were sat on around this time, yesterday.

"You're glaring at that note as if it had commited a felony or something." He says as he plops down on the couch. I plop down next to him.

"It's the person who wrote it that's commiting a felony." I mutter as I flick it with my spare hand.

"It's from Katy?" He exclaims, surprised. I nod. He leans forward and snatches the note from my hand. I watch as he reads it. "Sounds fun." He grins and hands it back to me.

"You're kidding me right?" I look at him as if he's grown another head.

"No. I'm serious." Much to my dismay his facial expression and eyes display no sign of mischief; he's like the epitome of serious.

"Watching my sister laugh, flirt, kiss, hug, touch the man I love is not fun." I tell him.

"Ellie." He straightens up. "We're going to have the opportunity to eat any cake we want for free, AND with our amazing acting ability we're going to make her and loverboy seethe with jealousy. Katy is going to regret inviting us by the end of day, no scratch that. She's going to regret it by this afternoon. We'll make sure of that." I bite down on my bottom lip anxiously. "Come on!" He nudges me. I stop nibbling on my bottom lip and grin deviously. A grin, matching mine, forms on his face.

"Fine." He fist pumps the air and jumps up from the couch. I laugh and shake my head at him disapprovingly. "But I call dibs on the chocolate cakes."

"Whatever!" He calls as he heads inside the bedroom again. I get up and follow him. "So where were you yesterday?" He asks as I enter the bedroom. He's practically half naked; his pants are undone and are hanging dangerously low around his hips, and his shirt has apparently gone missing.

"Is there a reason as to why you're half naked?" I ask as I sit down on the edge of the bed. He instantly catches on to my poor attempt at changing the subject and gives me the look. I release a sigh of defeat. "I was with Drew."

"Why am I not surprised?" He exclaims as he wriggles into a clean shirt.

"He said he wanted to make up for being an asshole." I explain. "We had breakfast together and then went to the local park. After hours of acting like complete fools we went to the mall and then to the fair. He won me a stuffed bear and I won him a stuffed crocodile." I finish my brief account of my day in paradise with a goofy grin.

"You kissed him didn't you?" Logan says knowingly.

"They lasted 2 seconds! They barely qualify as kisses!" I exclaim defensively.

"You kissed him twice?" He exclaims.

"I pecked his lips twice." I correct. He rolls his eyes and shakes his head at me disapprovingly.

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