Drunken Cherry Poppin'

330 17 2

I'm trying to update every two weeks so you guys won't have wait too long to find out what happens next in the story.



My heart drops to the pit of my stomach. His eyes widen and fill with panic. He turns to look at me. My whole body has become paralysed. I feel as if my heart has been torn out of my chest and shredded to pieces. Each piece throbs with an inmense pain that is almost unbearable.

"You're lying." He states. "We've never had sex. I'm a virgin!" He exclaims.

"You're not." She rebukes his statement. "We had sex at Tyler's party, we were both drunk; you more than me which is probably why you can't remember." She explains.

"You took advantage of me?!" He shouts incrediously.

I don't stay to hear what Katy says next; I run from the dance floor, dodging people, chairs and tables as I cross the room. Tears blur my vision as I run. They begin cascading down my cheeks the moment I step out onto the foyer Drew and I argued in a few hours ago. I sit down on a chair that is located at the far end of the foyer, sobbing inconsolably.

Out of everything she has done to me and everything she could do to me this is by far the worst most painful thing. This is the one thing that has the power to break me and she knows it; she broke me and she's enjoying it like the demon spawn that she is.

She took the one thing that I can never get back, the one thing, the only thing about Drew that remained mine and it hurts. It hurts almost as much as losing both my parents.

"Ella!" For the first time in 24 years my heart doesn't leap in my chest at the sound of his voice. It throbs painfully instead. "Please let me explain-"

"I don't want to talk to you." I say and stand up. He grabs my wrist before I can walk away.

"Please Ella."

I yank my arm out from his grasp. "No!" I shout as I turn around. "I don't want to hear your stupid explanations!! I don't want anything to do with you!!!" Tears continue cascading down my cheeks as I shout.

"I never slept with her! You have to believe me!!" He pleads with an anguished voice.

"I don't believe anything that comes out of your mouth." I state.

"I'm a virgin!!!" He shouts, loud and clear.

"No you're not!!! You don't even remember what happened! You got so f*cking wasted you don't remember screwing her!!!" I shout.

"But I woke up fully dressed. I-I..." He frowns as he attempts to remember what happened that night. "I didn't even drink that much because I hate drinking and you know it!" He states.

"I don't know anything about you. Not anymore." I retort.


"All I've ever done is love you more than anyone ever will and this is how you repay me." My voice cracks. More tears cascade down my cheeks.

I reach up and unclasp the necklace around my neck with one hand. It falls limply into the palm of my other hand. I carefully take both purity rings and slide the necklace out leaving them to rest on my hand side by side, no longer attatched to anything.

"I don't want anything that reminds me of you." I can practically hear his heart breaking within his chest. I reach out and take one of his hands. Carefully, I place the rings on his palm and then let his hand go.

"No. You can't do this to me. Not again." Tears have flooded his eyes. They're not of frustration or anger; this time they're tears of anguish and hurt.

"I have to." I turn to walk away but he grabs my wrist again. "Let go!!!" I shout and attempt to yank my arm out from his grasp. "Drew I swear to God, let me go!!!" Nothing. Fuming, I turn around to face him again. "You don't get to date my sister, propose to her, invite me to your wedding, break the pact with her and then act like I'm the one who broke your heart. You don't get to be that guy." I say. "God! I can't believe you would do something like that!!!" My voice has risen to a shout again.

"I didn't do anything but love you like I've never loved anyone else!!!" He shouts.

"You broke the pact dammit!!!" I shout back. "You f*cked my sister whilst wearing your damn purity ring!!!"

"I did not f*ck your sister!!!" He's fuming too. "I love you!! I love you more than life itself!!!"

"And I hate you!!!" I shout. "I hate you for not believing me six years ago! I hate you for not fighting for me when you had the chance! I hate you for dating my sister! I hate you for breaking the pact with her! I hate y-"

He interrupts me quickly and effectively by capturing my lips with his in an angry, needy, passionate kiss. The wall of anger I've built crumbles down in the blink of an eye as he traces invisible circles over my cheeks and kisses me fervently. I place my hands on his waist and kiss him back with just as much passion. He glides his tongue over my bottom lip begging for entrance which I grant with no hesitation. Euphoria courses through my veins as our tongues dance together and our lips move in perfect sync. Now the only audible sound in the foyer is that of our tongues fighting for dominance.

I can feel all of the emotions going through his body as we kiss; anger, anguish, regret, guilt, confusion and love. I'm sure he can feel all of the emotions going through mine. We kiss until our lungs are craving oxygen but even then, when he attempts to pull away I kiss him again. When I attempt to pull away he kisses me again. We do this a couple more times before actually pulling away completely.

It's only as I'm looking up into his electric blue eyes, chest heaving up and down as I regain control of my unsettled lungs, that I realize I'm still crying. I reach up and wipe my cheeks with the back of my hands.

"D'you know what I hate the most?" I ask rhetorically. "That, even though you knocked up my sister whilst wearing the ring that symbolises our pact, I'm still hopelessly in love with you."

"I didn't..." He whispers. "I swear!" He looks and sounds a vulnerable little boy who is desperately trying to convince his mom that he didn't do what he's being accused of.

"I'm sorry Drew but..." I sigh loudly. "I don't believe you."

"Ella I'm begging you." Tears of anguish rapidly fill his eyes again. "You have to believe me. Please..."

I ignore his pleas and the way my heart throbs painfully. "Once you and Katy are married, I'll leave and you will never ever see me again. It'll be like you and I never happened."

"Oh God... Please don't do this to me again." He pleas.

"I can cope with watching you get married to her but I can't cope with watching you play happy families." I step backwards. "I just can't..."

"Ella!" He cries out in anguish as I turn around. I ignore his muffled cries and walk away. A fresh batch of tears fills my eyes and cascades down my cheeks.

I have just made what is possibly the biggest mistake of my entire life.

But I don't regret it.

It had to be done.


Does anyone else want to throttle Katy as much as I do right now? Grrr...

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