Numbing The Pain

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This chapter is in the POV of a certain blue-eyed man...



9:30 am

"Drew! Katy!" Tyler exclaims when he sees us weaving through the throng of people in the living room.

"Happy birthday man!" I say. We do what Ella used to call 'that wierd handshake thingy' back in high school.


God I miss her so much.

"Thanks!" He says with a grin. "Drinks are in the kitchen, feel free to help yourself."

"Come on." Katy grabs my hand and leads me towards what I assume is the kitchen.

In the kitchen she pours us drinks; she mixes vodka with something else but I'm not sure what it is.

"Here." She hands me a glass. We both take a swig at the same time. I scrunch my face up in disgust as the liquid attacks my tastebuds. She laughs. "You really don't like alcohol do you?"

"No but I can make an exception." She grins at my response.

I don't know how long it's been since we got here or what part of the house we're in. I can barely walk without tripping on thin air, my tongue feels heavy and the room is distorted. I think we're stumbling into a bedroom but I'm not sure. Katy drags me towards something, a bed I think and we both crash down onto it. Everything goes black after that.

"Mm..." I attempt to roll over but the movement makes my head pound. "Oww..." I reach up and cover my face in a futile attempt to block out the sun. "What..." I look around through the gaps between my fingers. "Where..." My eyes widen as I look down at myself.

I'm in a bed. My shirt is undone, my pants are undone too and Katy is laying beside me.

Oh God... What I did do last night?

It could actually be possible. I could've potentially knocked her up. I mean, I can't remember anything after we stumbled into that room so how do I know that I didn't sleep with her? How do I know that we didn't have drunk sex in that room that night?

"Damn it!!!" I hurl the cushion in my hands across the room angrily. It hits the wall then topples to the floor.

Just when everything was about to fall in place this had to happen. Katy's having my baby and Ella hates me. God I just wish there was some way of finding out if I really did sleep with Katy.

Katy walks into the room and grabs her purse from the bed. "I'm heading out to buy some things for tonight." Speak of the devil and she shall appear. I respond with a grunt. She rolls her eyes and walks out again.

Is it bad that I don't want to go to my own bachelor party? I really don't feel like celebrating the last night of bachelorhood I have left before I become Ella's brother-in-law. God that sounds so wrong. I should be becoming her husband not her damn brother-in-law.

"I really do need to a grow a pair." I mutter as I play with the ownerless purity rings in my hand. I remember buying them as if it were yesterday.

I've been saving up for something special to give Ella for as long as I can remember and now I finally have enough to money to buy those purity rings I've had my eyes on for almost a year. I plan on giving her hers today on our first boyfriend-girlfriend anniversary date. I can't believe it's been a year since she said yes to being my girlfriend. To me it feels like it was just yesterday.

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