A Day In Paradise - Part. 2

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Phew! Managed to upload part two of Drella's day in paradise this week. Hopefully you'll guys will fangirl as much I expect over this chapter. More specifically over the treat I have in store for you *wiggles eyebrows* hehe

Credit for part of this chapter goes out to my bestie GemmaHendrickson. You seriously saved my butt girl! :)



I smile as he swings our conjoined hands back and forth. It reminds of when we were kids, he'd always find an excuse to hold my hand and when he did he would swing them back and forth just like he's doing now.

"Have you had fun so far?" He asks as we stroll down the boardwalk.

"Are you kidding me? This is the most fun I've had since you and I broke up." I say. He chuckles.

After spending another hour acting like pre-schoolers at the playground we went for a stroll around the park which resulted in me getting ice cream all over my nose and mouth. Don't ask.

I forced Drew to buy me another one after that 'incident'. Incident, my ass. He then made the big mistake of taking me to the mall. Let's just say his poor virginal mind has been forever scarred. Once he managed to drag me out of the mall we decided to go the beach. Which brings us to where we are now; strolling down the boardwalk hand in hand like the couple we're not.

"Yea..." He smiles nolstagically. "Have I ever told you that letting you break up with me is biggest mistake I've ever made?" I look up at him surprised by his words. His eyes are fixated on his feet. He's avoiding my gaze.

"No." I reply. My eyes are fixated on his gorgeous face.

"Well I just did and it was. It's the one thing I regret doing the most." He looks up at me again. His eyes are so blue, bluer than ocean a few meters away from us. "But now it's too late. Far too late."

"Drew." I pronounce his name carefully. "It's never too late." Something flashes through his eyes so quickly I'm unable to dispher what it is. He then smiles. It's not a sad or nostalgic or distant smile; it's that all dimples slightly crooked smile that has my insides melting rapidly like ice under heat. I divert my gaze to the scenery in front of us, feeling afraid that if I continue to get lost any further into the blue depths of his eyes I may do something stupid.

"That's it sweetie!" A woman, who appears in her late twenties, praises a young child who is, very slowly, riding the small bike he most likely got for christmas.

"Look mommy! I'm doing it!" He grins and accelerates slightly.

"I told you could do it!" She says, a proud smile on her face.

"I can't do it Ella!" He folds his arms across his chest and juts his bottom lip out into an adorable babyish pout.

"Yes you can Drew." I reassure him. He shakes his head, pout intact.

"No I can't!" He kicks his bike, which is laying on the grass, out of sheer frustration. "I'm the only thirteen year old in the whole of America who can't ride a bike!" He exclaims. There are tears of frustration brimming in his eyes making them seem even bluer than they are. How is that even possible?

"Hey! Look at me." He looks at the ground instead. "Drew, please look at me." Slowly, he raises his eyes up to meet mine. "You need to take the phrase I can't out of your vocabulary because you can do anything you set your mind to." I tell him. "And if you fall I'll always be here to help you up again." His lips twitch up into a small smile.

"Okay. I'll try again." He bends down and hauls his bike off the ground. I hold the bike steady as he swings his leg over it. He places a foot on each pedal and wraps his hands tightly around the handle bars.

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