The Inner Workings Of The Devil's Twisted Mind

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This is chapter has been the most interesting one to write so far.

You'll see why.


Katherine Vazquez

The youngest child is always the favourite, that's what everyone assumes. In my house it was the other way round. She was mom's favourite. I mean, she even named her after herself! She was Jennifer's favourite too. She was Drew's favourite.

Sometimes it felt like he didn't know I existed. Like the whole family didn't know I existed. Like Drew was my mom's other kid instead of me. It was Elizabeth this, Elizabeth that. Drew this, Drew that. Never Katy.

No. I was always the one they told off. The one they blamed all the mischief on. Mom's favourite vase broke, Katy did it. Elizabeth's precious barbies got beheaded, Katy did it. Drew fell over and scraped his knee, Katy did it.

Okay so I may have beheaded her barbies but I didn't break mom's vase and I did not push Drew over. He fell because of his own clumsiness.

I would spend hours getting ready before Drew came over because I wanted him to notice me but he never did. He only had eyes for Elizabeth. He noticed the smallest things about her like her hair being longer or the tiny freckles that appeared on the bridge of her nose. Yet, he never noticed when I straightened my hair or got my braces taken off. Yes, I had braces. For a whole year. They were the ones you can barely notice. I refused to have those ugly metallic ones.

I'd had a major crush on him since the 2nd grade and he never noticed. He was too busy courting her to notice. I wanted him to notice me so desperately but the only way that could possibly happen was to divert his attention from her. Which was practically impossible. I spent days racking my mind for what I could do. Then one day I saw mom spying on them from the kitchen window; they were under the old oak tree talking. He said something and then began leaning in. Mom took out her camera and snapped a shot of them just as he kissed her. I waited until mom put the camera away and left the kitchen, to sneak in and take it so I could download the picture.

I hadn't intended for them to break up, just for them to fight. They hardly argued and when they did neither of them was capable of staying mad at the other for more than five minutes. I'd planned to swoop in and be his comforting friend after the fight but it back fired because he stopped coming round. He was never home either and at school he was always with the guys from the soccer team. Now, he really didn't know I existed. So I gave up. On him.

When she left for college I was ecstatic. I hoped that with her gone mom would finally pay more attention to me. But two weeks after Elizabeth left she was gone. She got into that damned car accident and I lost her. I had no mom, no dad and no Drew.

When he came home for christmas during my senior year I got my hopes up again. You can probably imagine how I felt when he asked me out. I couldn't believe it. He'd finally noticed me. After 18 years of being invisible in his eyes. That's why I refuse to let him go. I refuse to let her take all of his attention again. She doesn't deserve him.

She broke his heart and now she's doing it all over again. Does she not see the way he looks at her? I could only dream of being looked at like that by him or any other man. Has she not heard the way he talks about her? Or the way his face glows when hears her name and especially when he talks about her?

Seeing the way his face contorts with pain when he sees her flirt with Logan, when he sees her kiss him and hug him, makes me so mad. Not at him. At her. It's like she's completely blind.

She used to be able to know what he was feeling and thinking by just looking at him yet now she fails to notice the jealousy in his eyes and the pained expression he wears. Why? Because of that infuriating man she calls her boyfriend.

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