Wedding Rehearsals and Date Nights

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And we're back to Ella's point of view! I enjoyed writing this chapter, especially one particular moment involving Drew, Ella and an altar. 😉



It's been a day since my panties and boxers shopping spree with Drew. Surprisingly and fortunately Katy didn't invite us anywhere yesterday so we didn't see them all day. It was a much needed break from the whole Draty wedding charade because that's what it is; a huge charade designed to torture me. Although that's a little rich coming from the woman who practically forced her best friend to pose as her fake boyfriend so that she could make her ex-boyfriend jealous and avoid being a third wheel. Wow, I just insulted myself.

I have the feeling that today we're not going to escape seeing Draty. Ugh...

"Morning sleepy head!" Logan greets me as he trudges into the bedroom. He's in nothing but a pair of gray A & F sweatpants that are hanging dangerously low around his hips. If I didn't love him like a brother I would pounce on him right now.

"Morning!" I watch as he approaches me; I'm currently sitting up in bed, legs crossed indian style.

"I found this on the floor by the door." He gives me a small rectangular card. One side has been left blank but the other has a message printed on it.

Wedding Rehearsal
St John's Chapel
All bridal party required to attend.

I scowl and scrunch the paper up into a ball. Great. Yet another Draty day that I have to endure. It's things like this that make me question why I agreed to be her maid of honor.

"Aw man!" Logan groans loudly as he reads the note over my shoulder. "Hasn't she tortured us enough?"

"Apparently, no." I say and attempt a three-pointer from where I'm sitting on the bed; much to my disbelief it goes into the trash can swiftly. "Woo! She shoots she scores!" I exclaim happily. He laughs and shakes his head at me disapprovingly.

"I guess we should start getting ready." He says.


"Ellie, it's 12:30. We have about an hour to get ready before we have to leave for the chapel." He tells me. I groan.

"Whyyyy?" I complain and pout all the way to the bathroom. Logan's obnoxious laughter lets me know that he's following right behind me. Jerk.

By 13:30 we're both showered, dressed and ready to go. No we did not shower together. God no!

We take a taxi cab to the chapel instead of the limo. My sister, like the self-absorbed bitch that she is, conveniently forgot that we're staying in the same hotel on the same floor a few suites away from her and left without us. God, I hate her so much.

It only takes the taxi driver 15 minutes to arrive at the chapel. I have to say, my sister did a good job of picking out the chapel they're to get married in. It is absolutely beautiful; it's antique, quite a few decades old, but it has this simplicity... it gives off a romantic vibe that has me drawn to it already even though we haven't gone inside yet. Adjacent to it is a huge house, a mansion actually, that looks painfully expensive and just as beautiful as the chapel. I assume that, that's where we'll be getting ready on the big day.

"Ready?" Logan says as we come to a stop in front of the wooden chapel doors. I nod.

"Yea." He takes my hand and we walk in. The chapel is even more beautiful inside than out. The stations of the cross lining both walls of the chapel along with the other images of saints have been drawn and painted beautifully. The golden color of the cloths covering the long marble table at the altar and the rustic tone of the floor and the walls, and the intracate colorful stained glass windows give it this romantic, very expensive vibe. This chapel seems to have been designed for the wealthy and those with high salaries like Draty.

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