A team holiday

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Ziva POV: I feel asleep on Gibbs shoulder with tears in my eyes and love in my heart I knew then that I had a family I can call my own and a father who really does love me. I am glad we invited...no made Gibbs come with us, this holiday week wouldn't be the same without him. As I slept I dreamt about all the people in my life I have lost, all the ones I loved but were gone and then I dreamt of my family and the way I wished we could have been. I loved them no matter what but they were gone and weren't coming back. I felt someone start to shake my shoulder then I heard Gibbs "Ziva wake up...wake up Ziva what's wrong" "huh Gibbs what do you mean I'm fine" "No Ziva your not your crying in your sleep that doesn't tell me you are fine" I hadn't noticed the tears running down my face and that I had been crying in my sleep till Gibbs mentioned it "oh it's nothing I was just dreaming of my family and everyone I love but have lost, that is all" "Ziver I am here if you want to talk or if u just want a shoulder to cry on I am always here for you" "I know Gibbs, thank you it means a lot" he really is the dad I never really had in my life I mean I love my father no matter what had happened in the past but Gibbs is the one in my life the is really here for me, that I can talk to freely as if he is my father. I don't know what I would do if I lost him, but it always happened to me anyone I get really close to leaves or ends up dead because of me. I don't think I could cope if that happened again. I need a father like I need my knife always there to help me get out of situations that I couldn't face alone, the type of situations that risk my life....

A team holidayWhere stories live. Discover now