A team holiday

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Gibbs POV: we spent 3-4 hours at the beach this afternoon, swimming..building sandcastles..relaxing on our towles and just talking. Eventually we got bored and decided to pack up our things and head back to the hotel. While we were walking slowly up to the rental car Ziva noticed an ice-cream truck pull up next to the beach. "Oh Gibbs do you think we could get an ice-cream quickly before we head back"  "sure of course we can Ziver..Tony, McGee do you both want one too...Im paying" The boys ran off towards the truck before they answered me. "You are both grown men you shouldnt be that excited about ice-cream!" i yelled after them "Uh Gibbs i think they are more excited about not having to pay for the ice-cream to be honest well that and they are really just big kids at heart" After Tony and McGee ran off i had time to talk to Ziva..She was walking beside me and i hadnt really had a chance to ask her how her holiday was going and how she is "Ziva" "Yes Gibbs" "is everything ok.." "yeah its fine" "alright then if your sure" i know not to push her she always ends up getting defencive and she will talk when she wants to. "Hey Gibbs?" "yeah Ziva" "uhm thank you" "for what?" "for treating me like part of your family and like a daughter...for accepting me for me with all the things from my past...ive never really had anything like this before, in Mossad you do not do this kind of thing ya know you do not spend a week with anyone else without being on a mission..i like it like this so thank you" her israeli accent was getting heavy and i could see tears in her eyes but she refused to let them escape. I hugged her with tears in my own eyes "Your Welcome. Ziva you will always have a family here with me and Tony and McGee. Family is more than just DNA...remember that" "I will" when we finally made it to the ice-cream truck we had managed to regain compossure and casually walked up to the boys who had already ordered their ice-creams and mine and Ziva's much to our surprise. "here Gibbs double scoope of mint choc chip' 'Thanks McGee" "and for you Ziva a double scoope of French Vanilla with a sprinkle of sherbet on top" "awww thanks Tony" "no problem and Gibbs McGee and i have already payed for the ice-cream so yeah we can go back to the hotel now and uhm maybe watch a movie?" "Thanks you two. Yup sure ok sounds good" we all walked back to the car licking the sides of our fast melting ice-creams...

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