A team holiday

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Tony POV: we were back at the hotel in our separate rooms just chilling out till tonight. "Ziva we need to talk" "I know Tony" "so come on then what is it, what is bothering you and upsetting you like this?" "I don't know how to tell you...how to talk about it...or even where to start" "then start at the beginning" "alright then...." She was thinking this I could see so I waited for her to tell me I wasn't going to push her any further "...it was 7 years a go..I meet this really amazing guy, tall short blonde hair blue eyes and well built. We had so much fun together spent all of our time together. My father liked him and he respected my father. Then one day a year or so into our relationship I fell pregnant and when I told him he took off just left so I went through being pregnant, all the hormones, cravings, mood swings I went through alone..." She was starting to tear up but I didn't want to interrupt it looked like she wanted to tell me all of this, to tell someone just so she didn't have to carry it on her own "...my father was around a lot more then...before my child's father left he said that if I kept the baby, if I had this baby bad things would happen..it was something along those lines. He took off so I didn't think much of it didn't think he would come back. But after a year when I had given birth and my baby girl, my daughter was born he did come back and he said that my father wanted him to take responsibility for his child and help raise her but he refused to so my father threatened him and he didn't appreciate that... The long and the short of it is that he thought my daughter being a live was a problem for him so he came round to my house and after a short confrontation with him he..." She was really crying now but I was so shocked. How could she have had a baby and none of us know about it, what happened to the baby, how do we not know any of this... "...Tony" she said looking deep into my eyes. I wanted to turn away the hurt and anger in her eyes was to much to handle. But I didn't turn away "...Tony he killed my baby shot her in the head while the other man dropped her to the floor like a rag doll. I couldn't save her, couldn't protect her like a mother should. I failed her" I didn't say anything I just held her while she cryed, cryed for her baby, for her daughter. I was in shock, to shocked to say anything. How could someone do that, to their own child their own flesh and blood, to Ziva....

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