A team holiday

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Gibbs POV: I could hear the other 3 talking and laughing in the other room. It's nice to hear them getting along and not bickering like usual. I could hear McGee mention a childhood memory about him and his sister. Then I heard Ziva say that her and Tony are now Tim's brother and sister. I let a few tears escape as I completely realized that this team is more than just a team. We are a family and have been for quite sometime. I let that sink in as I feel back to sleep listening to my kids talk amongst each other trying to be quite so they don't wake me. I am the luckiest guy on this earth, after Shannon and Kelly died I thought I would never have a real family like that again but now I have realized that I do and have been given this second chance. There is no way in hell I am letting anyone or anything happen to my kids.

AUTHORS NOTE: so I know this isn't a great probably not even a very good story but ohwell thank you for reading it. I don't have this story written out already on a piece of paper I just write what comes to mind at the time that I'm writing it. I guess you could say every thing in this story is 'on the spot' thinking and thoughts. So thank you for reading this and please comment what you think I would love to know

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