A team holiday

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Gibbs POV: McGee and I walked down the rod to the pub. I got tony to stay with Ziva because she wasn't interested in coming for drinks and I didn't want her left in the hotel room by herself. I guess you could ca this some one on one bonding time with the probie. "So McGee" I said as we sat down at the bar. There's something on his mind and I'm going to find out what. "Yeah Gibbs" "anything you wanna talk about" "like what boss" "like why you seem like you been doing some serious thinking" "huh how did you know....wait don't answer that" "ok I won't, so what's going on Tim" he looked like a scared boy like he was afraid to say anything. "Ya know I can't help if you don't tell me what's wrong" "its just well...ive been thinking about my job, and my novels, and the team. Im not sure what i want anymore. I love writting but i love being an NCIS agent. I havent been able to write my novels because of work so im falling behind on that. I dont know what to do, dont know what i want anymore" I dont want to lose a good agent, a valuable part of my team, my son. But he needs to do what is going to make him happy "Tim i cant tell you what to do it has to be your choice. Do what you love, your good at writting and your a great NCIS agent. Do what is going to make you happy, either way i will support your decision and so will the rest of the team." "im going to have to think hard about what i want to do" We talked a little longer and drank a little more before we decided to walk back to the hotel. "what do you think Tony and Ziva got up to tonight boss?" "not sure knowing Tony he probably ordered some room service and they watched a movie or two" we got to the door to our room and i pulled out the key card and walked into the room. i quietly opend the door that joined the two rooms together, when i looked into the other room i saw Tony and Ziva asleep on Tonys bed. He had Ziva's head on his chest and his arm wrapped around her protectivly. The dishes from their room service were on the table in the middle of the room and the TV was turned on to the movie channel. They looked peacful like they feel safest in each others arms. I guess its inevitable some day really soon they are going to be more than just friends.

McGee POV: well talking to Gibbs was absolutly no ise or help at all. What am I going to do, i really dont know. When we got back to our room Gibbs crept into Tony and Ziva's room and i went and layed on my bed and turned the tv on. There was nothing much on just some informercials. Gibbs pulled his head back into the room, he was smiling. It was weird. I fell asleep an hour later, Gibbs had the remote and found a sports channel to watch. Tomorrow we will be going home. Back to D.C. Back to work. Back to our own houses with our own beds.

Tony POV: i heard the door being shut that separated our two rooms i heard Gibbs and McGee talking so knew they were back. Ziva's head was on my chest and my arms were wrapt around her body. We had fallen asleep while watching a movie. Ziva was quietly mumbling in her sleep. It was something about her daughter Mila and then she started crying silently. I kissed her forehead and held her tighter. she eventually stopped crying and moved closer on to my chest so her head was restered on my shoulder. she wrapped her leg around mine and we slept like that for the rest of the night. Peacefully holding each other.

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