A team holiday

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Tony McGee Ziva and Gibbs headed outside to the waiting NCIS agents. While Tony was informing the head agent about what happened Gibbs slipped away to get coffee for him and his team. He arrived back 10minutes later to find the NCIS Agents bringing Spiller and his men out of the warehouse in cuffs. They seemed to have regained consciousness. As Spiller was brought out he made eye contact with Gibbs "This isn't over" "like hell it's not" the officer holding Spiller pushed him in the back of the squad car making sure to hit his head on the way in. Gibbs laughed a little and walked back over to his team handing them the coffee he had went out to get. "Hey boss" "yeah DiNozzo" "can we go get something to eat I'm starving" they all started laughing and Gibbs gave Tony one of his head slaps "yes DiNozzo we can go get something to eat" "awesome" they all walked off back to their hotel which was less than a few blocks away, got changed and headed to the car to find a nice little restaurant to eat at.

A team holidayWhere stories live. Discover now