A team holiday

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Tony POV: it didn't take long for us all to be free of the ropes that bound our hands together. Ziva went to check the door to see if it was unlocked but the closer she got the more she could here footsteps coming towards it. She ran back quickly but quietly so you couldn't hear her. "Right does everyone remember the plan" Gibbs said "yup" "yes" "yes boss" we all answered him "good, lets do this then" no sooner the door opened and Mike Spiller appeared with three other guys from the parking lot. "Gibbs your team is coming with us but you stay" "NO" "NO, excuse me that wasn't a question, you will do as I say and nothing else will happen to anyone else" "your going to hell" Gibbs was getting pretty pissed off but we couldn't do anything till he gave us the signal so we just waited in the tight grip of the other men. We waited while Gibbs and Spiller argued about who was in charge. This Spiller guy really was stupid. After a little while Gibbs gave us the signal and we all sprang into action. Ziva effortlessly took down the guy that had her and then made her way to McGee who was having quite a bit of trouble escaping the grasp of his guy. I on the other hand had very little trouble and the assistance of Gibbs was not really needed I just wanted him to feel like he was saving me from my doom in this dungeon of doom. In no time at all we had all four guys tied up with the rope they had tied us up with and we were out the door to meet with the waiting NCIS agents director Vance sent to rescue us.

Ziva POV: Both Tony and McGee were getting their butt kicked by the other men so once I finished tieing up my attacker I helped McGee he seemed to be the one in the most trouble. He hasn't had much experience dealing with attackers like this so I thought I would be more useful saving him first because I knew Tony could hold his attacker off a little while longer. I jumped on the back of McGees attacker and pulled the rope I had around his neck and chocked him till he was unconscious making sure to leave him alive so he could answer for what he has done. That and because Gibbs told me not to kill anyone...unfortunately.

McGee POV: I was getting my butt kicked by this guy and I knew it, there was no denying it I was screwed until Ziva came up behind him and pulled a rope around his neck chocking him till he was unconscious. I had never really seen Ziva in action like this. She was pretty impressive. When we get out of this I am going to have to ask Ziva to help me learn to fight so I don't have to rely on her next time...hopefully there won't be a next time though

Gibbs POV: out of all this all I really learnt was that Tony and McGee can't fight for shit and that if I was captured with one of my kids I think I would have more of a chance of surviving if I was captured with Ziva. I am going to have to do something about the boys fighting skills because they are shocking. McGee was getting his butt kicked by a guy his own size and Tony was hopeless against his attacker and Ziva and I ended up having to step in before the boys were killed. They were both getting thrown around like rag dolls and were fighting back like it was their first real fight and they had no experience. It was slightly amusing to watch though but I won't be telling them that any time soon, I know they really are trying. We finally got the attackers and Spiller tied up and walked out to meet with the agents Vance sent to save us.

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